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动态模块导入在 python 中不起作用 - 为什么不呢?

[英]Dynamic module import doesn't work in python - why not?

I'm trying to dynamically import a python script foo.py into another executable script, which is in a deeply nested folder.我正在尝试将 python 脚本foo.py动态导入另一个可执行脚本,该脚本位于深度嵌套的文件夹中。 I'm using我在用着

import os
sys.path.insert(0, '../../../../.') 
from foo import Bar

this works, and I can use Bar happily.这行得通,我可以愉快地使用Bar

I would like to make the script dynamically determine the folder depth eg我想让脚本动态确定文件夹深度,例如

import os
root_path = os.path.relpath(os.popen("git rev-parse --show-toplevel").read()).replace("../reponame", ".")
print(root_path) # prints '../../../../.'
sys.path.insert(0, root_path)
from foo import Bar

However this doesn't work, the script complains it can't find Bar when it is run.但是这不起作用,脚本抱怨它在运行时找不到 Bar 。

Why is this?为什么是这样?

If you debug you see root_path is actually '../../../../.\n' .如果您调试,您会看到root_path实际上是'../../../../.\n' Remove the \n删除\n


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