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[英]how to validate user phone number in textinput?

I have a textinput and i want to validate user input before it's showing on textinput .我有一个textinput ,我想在它显示在textinput之前验证用户输入。

i have tried used regex to do this, but i have a problem with the following code:我曾尝试使用正则表达式来执行此操作,但我对以下代码有疑问:

    console.log('hp', hp)
    let reg = /^08[0-9]{9,}$/


_onChangeHP() function checked one by one, so regex pattern never pass true in if statement , _onChangeHP() function 一一检查,所以regex pattern永远不会在if statement中传递 true ,

is there a way to validate user input?有没有办法验证用户输入?

My Expected result is setState when user value first string is 0 and 2nd string is 8 and the rest is numeric only,当用户值第一个字符串为0且第二个字符串为8并且 rest 仅为数字时,我的预期结果是setState

you can use pattern function where number can be put in conditional.您可以使用模式 function ,其中数字可以有条件地输入。

<input  maxLength={13} placeholder='08xxxxxxxxx' keyboardType="numeric"
      pattern="[0][8][0-9]{11}"  />

you can't do it with only one regex你不能只用一个正则表达式

 _onChangeHP('08') _onChangeHP('01') _onChangeHP('08222222') function _onChangeHP(hp){ let regStartsWith = new RegExp('^08', 'i'); let regAfter = /^\d+$/; if(regStartsWith.test(hp)){ // this will check if starts with 08 if(regAfter.test(hp.substring(2))){ console.log(true) // this will check if hp has number after 08 return true; } else{ console.log(false); return false; } } else{ console.log(false); return false; } }

You'll have to use groups in regular expressions.您必须在正则表达式中使用

The solution to your problem: /^(0|08|08[0-9]{1,9})$/您的问题的解决方案: /^(0|08|08[0-9]{1,9})$/

Explanation: Capture if it's a 0 or 08 or 08x or 08xx or 08xxx or 08xxxx ... upto 08xxxxxxxxx ( ie upto 9 x's, and x can be any single digit number ).说明:捕获它是否是00808x08xx08xxx08xxxx ... 08xxxxxxxxx (即最多 9 个 x,x 可以是任何一位数)。

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