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C++11 += 运算符在 RHS 有多个字符串或字符时不起作用

[英]C++11 += operator not working when RHS has more than one string or character

I am using c++11 .我正在使用c++11 When I use the += operator for concating strings or characters, it does not work, however = , works.当我使用+=运算符连接字符串或字符时,它不起作用,但是=起作用。

eg I used all the below test cases independently, ie separately.例如,我独立使用了以下所有测试用例,即分别使用。

    string s="abdddddd";
    string ss="";
    ss+=s[0]+s[1]; //not working     output: Ã
    ss+="hi"+s[2];  //not working      no output
    ss+='d'+'c';  //not working      output: З
    ss+="hi"+"string"; //not working  error: invalid operands of types ‘const char [3]’ and ‘const char [7]’ to binary ‘operator+’

    string another="this";
    ss+=another+'b'; //working
    ss+=("hi"+s[3]); //not working
    ss=ss+"hi"+s[3]; //working
    ss=ss+"hi"+"this"; //working

Also adding brackets doesn't work.添加括号也不起作用。 So, I want to know why it doesn't work with strings, it works with adding integers.所以,我想知道为什么它不适用于字符串,它适用于添加整数。

Your problem is not += , it is + .您的问题不是+= ,而是+

For example in the line ss+=s[0]+s[1];例如在行ss+=s[0]+s[1]; , s[0] and s[1] are of type char . , s[0]s[1]char类型。 Adding them will add their integer representations (ASCII codes) and concatenate the character this sum represents to ss .添加它们将添加它们的 integer 表示(ASCII 代码)并将此总和表示的字符连接到ss

You see the same happing in ss+='d'+'c';你会在ss+='d'+'c';中看到同样的情况。 , where you are giving char literals explicitly. ,您在其中明确给出char文字。

Only use + to concatenate std::string with std::string or one std::string with a character or string literal.仅使用+std::stringstd::string或一个std::string与字符或字符串文字连接。 You cannot concatenate two string literals or two characters or a string literal with a character.您不能将两个字符串文字或两个字符或字符串文字与一个字符连接起来。 (In all of these cases + has different semantics than string concatenation or isn't even valid syntax.) (在所有这些情况下, +的语义与字符串连接不同,甚至不是有效的语法。)

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