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导出为 CSV - 如何将我的列名数组用于 output 仅将部分项目用于 CSV?

[英]Export as CSV - how do I use my array of column names to output only some of the items to CSV?

I am trying to make a CSV export from a mariaDB database where the web page user can select some optional columns to export.我正在尝试从 mariaDB 数据库中进行 CSV 导出,其中 web 页面用户可以选择 Z99938282F04071852ZEF16 列可选。 I have a form that captures this data and I have done all the PHP code to get to the point where I have a array of the column headings from my database that I want to use in the export process.我有一个捕获这些数据的表单,并且我已经完成了所有 PHP 代码,以达到我想要在导出过程中使用的数据库中的列标题数组的位置。 ($safefieldsarray is optional fields array from code further above.) ($safefieldsarray 是上面代码中的可选字段数组。)

My CSV export is loosly based on this one here https://www.codexworld.com/export-data-to-csv-file-using-php-mysql/ (with the addition of the aforementioned options of what to export.)我的 CSV 导出在这里松散地基于这个https://www.codexworld.com/export-data-to-csv-file-using-php-mysql/ (添加了上述导出内容的选项。)

The block of code I am struggling with is here.我正在努力的代码块就在这里。

//create a file pointer
$f = fopen('php://memory', 'w');

                                                                                                                                                        //set column headers
$fields = array('ID', 'Name', 'em', 'type', 'reason', 'result', 'status', 'notes', 'datetime', 'requestedby', 'requestedbycitrixid', 'week', 'period', 'year', 'historylog');
$fields = $fields+$safefieldsarray;
fputcsv($f, $fields, $delimiter);
//create $linedata information, formatted in a php assoc row format.
// $linedata1 = implode('"], $exporttocsvrow["' ,$fields);
// $linedata2 .= '$exporttocsvrow["'.$linedata1;
// $linedata3 .= $linedata2 .'"]';
// $linedatasplit = explode(",",$linedata3);

// $fieldsarrayforlinedata = array();
// foreach ($fields as $value) {
// array_push($fieldsarrayforlinedata , '$exporttocsvrow["'.$value.'"]');
// }

//output each row of the data, format line as csv and write to file pointer
while($exporttocsvrow = $exporttocsvresult->fetch_assoc()){
$fieldsarrayforlinedata = array_intersect_key($fields, $exporttocsvrow);
fputcsv($f, $fieldsarrayforlinedata, $delimiter);
//move back to beginning of file
fseek($f, 0);
//set headers to download file rather than displayed
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $safefilename . '";');
//output all remaining data on a file pointer

I've left some commented out stuff in there that I replaced so you can 'see my working' as it were.我在那里留下了一些我替换的注释掉的东西,这样你就可以“看到我的工作”了。 I've currently got array_intersect_key in the loop that does each line of the CSV file, but I don't think that is the right answer, but I'm not sure what the name of what I'm trying to do is to Google it.我目前有 array_intersect_key 在循环中执行 CSV 文件的每一行,但我认为这不是正确的答案,但我不确定我想要做的事情的名称是什么给谷歌它。 The above code will currently result in just lots of blank cells in the csv where the data should be.上面的代码目前会在 csv 中产生大量空白单元格,数据应该在其中。

$fields contains the current list of fields I would like to export (Both the compulsory ones and the ones the user has ticked.) $fieldsarrayforlinedata is where I need to have the array of stuff for this one line of the CSV file from the $exporttocsvrow that is being looped over. $fields 包含我要导出的当前字段列表(强制性字段和用户勾选的字段。) $fieldsarrayforlinedata 是我需要从 $正在循环的 exporttocsvrow。

Does this make sense?这有意义吗?

$fieldsarrayforlinedata = array_intersect_key($fields, $exporttocsvrow);

Two problems with this.这有两个问题。

  1. The field names in $fields are values , so it won't work with array_intersect_key as is. $fields中的字段名称是values ,因此它不能按原样与array_intersect_key一起使用。 You can convert them to keys with array_flip before the while loop.您可以在 while 循环之前使用array_flip将它们转换为键。

     $fields = array_flip($fields);
  2. $exporttocsvrow needs to be the first argument to array_intersect_key because it contains the values you want in the result. $exporttocsvrow需要是array_intersect_key的第一个参数,因为它包含您想要在结果中的值。

The PHP documentation for that function tells us: function 的 PHP 文档告诉我们:

array_intersect_key() returns an array containing all the entries of array1 which have keys that are present in all the arguments. array_intersect_key() 返回一个数组,其中包含 array1 的所有条目,这些条目的键存在于所有 arguments 中。

Other than that it looks like it should work pretty well.除此之外,它看起来应该工作得很好。

ps Consider using camelCase or snake_case for multi-word variable names to improve readability. ps 考虑对多字变量名使用camelCase 或snake_case 以提高可读性。

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