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使用 operator[] 和 operator int() 进行模棱两可的重载

[英]Ambiguous overloading with operator[] and operator int()

I am creating a class Item, and each Item is a key/value pair.我正在创建一个 class 项目,每个项目都是一个键/值对。 Also, each Item may also contain subitems:此外,每个项目还可能包含子项目:

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

class Item
        std::string key;
        unsigned int value;
        std::vector<Item> subitems;

        Item( const std::string& key = "", const int& value = 0 )
        : key( key ), value( value ){ };

        // Search or Create new SubItem.
        Item& operator[]( const std::string& key )
            for( auto& subitem : subitems )
                if( subitem.key == key )
                    return subitem;

            subitems.push_back( Item( key ));
            return subitems.back( );

        // Assign new value to Item.
        Item& operator=( const int& value )
            this->value = value;
            return *this;

        // Get value from Item.
        operator unsigned int( ) const
            return value;

int main( void )
    Item item;

    item["sub"] = 42;
    unsigned int sub = item["sub"];

    std::cout << std::to_string( sub ) << std::endl;
    return 0;

When I try to compile this, I get:当我尝试编译它时,我得到:

error: ambiguous overload for 'operator[]' (operand types are 'Item' and 'const char [4]')错误:“operator[]”的重载不明确(操作数类型为“Item”和“const char [4]”)

If I create a member method unsigned int Get() instead of operator int() it does compile.如果我创建一个成员方法unsigned int Get()而不是operator int()它会编译。 But I wanted the class to work the same way that std::map works:但我希望 class 的工作方式与 std::map 的工作方式相同:

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main( void )
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int> item;

    item["sub"] = 42;
    unsigned int sub = item["sub"];

    std::cout << std::to_string( sub ) << std::endl;
    return 0;

How can I get it working?我怎样才能让它工作? Thanks!谢谢!

The problem is that you are conflicting with the builtin operator[](unsigned int, const char *) (yes, that's a thing).问题是您与内置operator[](unsigned int, const char *)冲突(是的,这是一回事)。

Implicitely converting the operand to a std::string or implicitely converting the Item to an unsigned int before applying the operator[] is equivalent for the compiler, so it can't choose between the two.在应用operator[]之前将操作数隐式转换为std::string或将Item隐式转换为unsigned int对于编译器来说是等效的,因此它不能在两者之间进行选择。

You can work around this by adding an explicit const char* overload to your class' operator[] that defers to your std::string implementation.您可以通过向您的类的operator[]添加显式的const char*重载来解决此问题,该操作符遵循您的std::string实现。

// Search or Create new SubItem.
Item& operator[]( const char* key ) {
    return (*this)[std::string(key)];

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