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是否可以在 Crystal Reports 中加入 2 列并显示数据?

[英]Is it possible in Crystal Reports to join 2 colums and show the data?

I have 2 database fields with the same data, but the data is coming from 2 different tables.我有 2 个具有相同数据的数据库字段,但数据来自 2 个不同的表。

Here's an example of my data:这是我的数据示例:

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4
 1     A      1     A
 2     B      2     B
 3     C      3     C
 4     D      4     D
 5     E      5     E

What i want to achieve:我想要达到的目标:

Col 1 Col 2
 1     A
 2     B
 3     C
 4     D
 5     E
 1     A
 2     B 
 3     C
 4     D
 5     E

Is this possible with crystal reports?水晶报告可以做到这一点吗? I am using version 14.我正在使用版本 14。

Use a 'UNION ALL' Select statement in a new database 'view' (or in Crystal create a 'Command') as the data source for the report:在新数据库“视图”(或在 Crystal 创建“命令”)中使用“UNION ALL”Select 语句作为报表的数据源:

Select A, B from Table1
Select A, B from Table2

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