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[英]Solving for intersection points between parametric curves

The parametric equations of the two curves are as follows:两条曲线的参数方程如下:

Curve1: r(t) = (2(t-sin(t)),2(1 -cos(t)))

Curve2: s(t) = (2t - sin(t),2 - cos(t))

I need to find the points of intersection in the region [0,4π] .我需要找到[0,4π]区域中的交点。

I was able to plot the graph for the mentioned region and observed 4 points of intersection.我能够 plot 上述区域的图表并观察到 4 个交点。 But I am not able to determine the exact points of intersection.但我无法确定确切的交点。

For non-parametric equations, fsolve from sympy can be used, but the curves which are given in their parametric forms, I am not able to find a workaround.对于非参数方程,可以使用来自sympyfsolve ,但是在其参数 forms 中给出的曲线,我无法找到解决方法。

t = np.arange(-0.25*np.pi,4.25*np.pi,0.01)
rx = np.zeros(len(t))
ry = np.zeros(len(t))
for i in t:
   rx = 2*(t - np.sin(t))
   ry = 2*(1 - np.cos(t))
sx = np.zeros(len(t))
sy = np.zeros(len(t))
for i in t:
   sx = 2*t - np.sin(t)
   sy = 2 - np.cos(t)

For a given x you can find t for each curve and see if the corresponding y are the same.对于给定的x ,您可以找到每条曲线的t并查看相应的y是否相同。 You can step over the x range with some grid looking for such locations where the thee curves hit and use bisection to zero in on a more precise x .您可以使用一些网格跨过 x 范围,寻找曲线撞击的位置,并在更精确的x上使用二分法归零。 Since you can't solve the parametrix x(t) - x for t , nsolve will have to be used to find an approximate t .由于您无法求解 t 的参数x(t) - x t因此必须使用nsolve来找到近似值t Something like this finds values for your 4 roots (confirmed graphically) after correcting your OP equation for Curve1 to be the same as in the code you wrote afterwards.在将Curve1的 OP 方程更正为与您之后编写的代码中的相同之后,这样的事情会找到您的 4 个根的值(以图形方式确认)。

f = lambda xx: a[1].subs(t, tt)-b[1].subs(t,nsolve(b[0]-xx,tlast))
tlast = 0 # guess for t for a given xx to be updated as we go
tol = 1e-9  # how tight the bounds on x must be for a solution
dx = 0.1
for ix in range(300):
 xx = ix*dx
 y2 = f(xx)
 if ix != 0 and yold*y2 < 0 and tt<4*pi:
   tlast = tt  # updating guess for t
   # bisect for better xx now that bounding xx are found
   x1 = xx-dx
   x2 = xx
   y1 = yold
   while x2 - x1 > tol:
     xm = (x1 + x2)/2
     ym = f(xm)
     if ym*y1 < 0:
       y2 = ym
       x2 = xm
     elif ym != 0:
       y1 = ym
       x1 = xm
   print(xm)  # a solution
 yold = y2

I don't know of a more automated way to do this in SymPy.我不知道在 SymPy 中有更自动化的方法来做到这一点。

Probably the following would be a SymPy version:以下可能是 SymPy 版本:

from sympy import *
from sympy.geometry import Curve

t = Symbol("t", real=True)

r = Curve((2*(t-sin(t)), 2*(-cos(t))), (t, 0, 4*pi))
s = Curve((2*t - sin(t), 2 - cos(t)), (t, 0, 4*pi))

print(intersection(r, s))

But unfortunately this returns a NotImplementedError但不幸的是,这会返回NotImplementedError

The two curves don't intersect at the same time (that would be points where sin(t) = cos(t) = 0, which has no solutions).两条曲线不会同时相交(这将是 sin(t) = cos(t) = 0 的点,没有解)。 So you really want to know when所以你真的想知道什么时候

R = (2*t1 - 2*sin(t1), 2 - 2*cos(t1))
S = (2*t2 - sin(t2), 2 - cos(t2))


This is two equations with two unknowns, so it is straightforward to solve with sympy.nsolve .这是两个具有两个未知数的方程,因此可以直接使用sympy.nsolve You have to fiddle with the starting values a bit to find the ones that converge to different solutions.您必须稍微摆弄起始值才能找到收敛到不同解决方案的值。 If you know what they are roughly from the graph that is the best place to start.如果您从图中大致知道它们是什么,那是最好的起点。

>>> t1, t2 = symbols('t1 t2')
>>> R = (2*t1 - 2*sin(t1), 2 - 2*cos(t1))
>>> S = (2*t2 - sin(t2), 2 - cos(t2))
>>> nsolve([R[0] - S[0], R[1] - S[1]], [t1, t2], [1, 1])
[ 1.09182358380672],
>>> nsolve([R[0] - S[0], R[1] - S[1]], [t1, t2], [5, 5])
>>> nsolve([R[0] - S[0], R[1] - S[1]], [t1, t2], [7, 7])
>>> nsolve([R[0] - S[0], R[1] - S[1]], [t1, t2], [10, 10])

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