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[英]Count time outside of range in a range of dates

In order keep a new question separate from previous I'm asking it as another question.为了使新问题与以前的问题分开,我将其作为另一个问题提出。

From the info below (all in column A), I'd like to be able to count how many calls come in on a date outside of a time (or between times).从下面的信息(全部在 A 列中),我希望能够计算在某个时间之外(或时间之间)的日期有多少电话打进来。 For example, how many calls on 08/01/2019 where NOT from 07:00 to 23:00 using the first set of numbers ie: 6:47例如,在 2019 年 8 月 1 日有多少电话不是从 07:00 到 23:00 使用第一组数字,即:6:47

The formatting of my source file is messed up, but the numbers below represent:我的源文件的格式搞砸了,但下面的数字代表:

Wed Oct 30 11:42:11 2019 Location: Some. 2019 年 10 月 30 日星期三 11:42:11 地点:一些。 Place Page 1地点第 1 页

          Call Details by Date and Time

Call Date: 01/01/2019
Start Costed   Call       Call        Access Dialed Number               Call Cost  Call          Real     Authorization   Account Code Billing Code
Time  Duration Origin     Destination  Code                                         Charge     Extension       Code                                 
_____ ________ __________ ___________ ______ ___________________________ __________ __________ __________ ________________ ____________ ____________
 1:24 00:05:12      34320      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      34320                                           
11:11 00:02:46      33314      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      33314                                           
19:41 00:00:50      36424      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      36424                                           
20:07 00:03:28      34227      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      34227                                           
21:06 00:09:00      36335      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      36335                                           
21:34 00:01:54      37641      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      37641                                           
Wed Oct 30 11:42:11 2019   Location: Some. Place                        Page 2

          Call Details by Date and Time

Call Date: 01/02/2019
Start Costed   Call       Call        Access Dialed Number               Call Cost  Call          Real     Authorization   Account Code Billing Code
Time  Duration Origin     Destination  Code                                         Charge     Extension       Code                                 
_____ ________ __________ ___________ ______ ___________________________ __________ __________ __________ ________________ ____________ ____________
 4:15 00:09:00      36335      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      36335                                           
 4:46 00:03:30      32970      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      32970                                           
 7:12 00:00:54      33022      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      33022                                           
 7:21 00:03:04      33655      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      33655                                           
21:02 00:00:24      33277      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      33277                                           
21:19 00:02:44      37606      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      37606                                           
Wed Oct 30 11:42:11 2019   Location: Some. Place                        Page 3

          Call Details by Date and Time

Call Date: 01/03/2019
Start Costed   Call       Call        Access Dialed Number               Call Cost  Call          Real     Authorization   Account Code Billing Code
Time  Duration Origin     Destination  Code                                         Charge     Extension       Code                                 
_____ ________ __________ ___________ ______ ___________________________ __________ __________ __________ ________________ ____________ ____________
 5:52 00:01:26      33322      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      33322                                           
 8:09 00:05:50      34229      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      34229                                           
 9:28 00:02:48      33952      34312                               34312      $0.00      $0.00      33952                                           

Tue Sep 10 08:52:40 2019 Location: Page 4 2019 年 9 月 10 日星期二 08:52:40 位置:第 4 页

So this code is for a way to count all of the calls on a date (between "Call Date" and "Location" from @Plutian and it works well!因此,此代码用于计算某个日期的所有呼叫(在 @Plutian 的“呼叫日期”和“位置”之间,它运行良好!

Sub counter()
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim lastr As Integer
Dim calldate As String

i = 0
lastr = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'determine last row of data

For Each cel In Sheet1.Range("A1:A" & lastr) 'start loop

If InStr(cel.Value, "Call Date") Then 'check if your value is "Call date" indicating start of data
    If calldate = "" Then 'check if this is the first loop
        calldate = cel.Value 'set calldate to the current loop.
            Else 'if not first loop, write the current calldate + counter to the next available blank cell
            Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = calldate & " " & i
            i = 0 'reste counter
            calldate = cel.Value 'save next calldate value
    End If
        If cel <> "" Then 'test if cell is blank, skip if it is
            If InStr(cel, "Location") Then 'test if cell holds "Location, indicating it is not data. Skip if it is
                i = i + 1 'increase counter if part of data
            End If
        End If
End If
Next cel
Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = calldate & " " & I & " calls" 'Write current data at end of loop.
End Sub

Output hoped to be: (Next unused column) Output 希望是:(下一个未使用的列)

Call Date: 08/01/2019 calls outside of range 1通话日期:08/01/2019 通话超出范围 1

Call Date: 08/02/2019 calls outside of range 0通话日期:08/02/2019 通话超出范围 0

Call Date: 08/03/2019 calls outside of range 2通话日期:08/03/2019 通话超出范围 2

Thanks all!谢谢大家!

As it is my code to begin with, it was easy to adapt to your needs.由于这是我的代码,因此很容易适应您的需求。

What I have done here is added a second counter that increases each time a hit is found outside the times specified.我在这里所做的是添加了第二个计数器,每次在指定的时间之外发现命中时,该计数器就会增加。 To make it easier I've concatenated the two results so you don't have to sacrifice either one.为了更容易,我将两个结果连接起来,这样你就不必牺牲任何一个。

Sub counter()
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim lastr As Integer
Dim calldate As String

i = 0
lastr = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'determine last row of data

For Each cel In Sheet1.Range("A1:A" & lastr) 'start loop

If InStr(cel.Value, "Call Date") Then 'check if your value is "Call date" indicating start of data
    If calldate = "" Then 'check if this is the first loop
        calldate = cel.Value 'set calldate to the current loop.
            Else 'if not first loop, write the current calldate + both counters to the next available blank cell
            Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = calldate & " " & i & " calls, of which " & j & " outside hours"
            i = 0 'reset counter
            j = 0 'reset counter
            calldate = cel.Value 'save next calldate value
    End If
        If cel <> "" Then 'test if cell is blank, skip if it is
         If IsDate(Left(cel.Value, 5)) Then 'test if first 5 characters of cell is a valid time.
                If TimeValue(Left(cel.Value, 5)) < "07:00:00" Or TimeValue(Left(cel.Value, 5)) > "23:00:00" Then 'test if call is earlier than 07:00 or later than 23:00
                    j = j + 1 'increase counter if outside that time
                End If
                i = i + 1 'increase counter if part of data
            End If
        End If
End If
Next cel
Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = calldate & " " & i & " calls, of which " & j & " outside hours" 'Write current data at end of loop.
End Sub

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