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将 Decimal128 序列化为 JSON

[英]Serializing Decimal128 to JSON

I am using spring boot for creating an api where I retrieve values from mongodb.我正在使用 spring 引导来创建 api,其中 ICON 从 mongodb 检索值。 The problem I am facing is that Decimal128 fields are serialized like:我面临的问题是Decimal128字段被序列化为:

"userid": {
  "high": 3476778912330022912,
  "low": 10776,
  "naN": false,
  "infinite": false,
  "finite": true,
  "negative": false

Here is the body of my controller:这是我的 controller 的主体:

var wrappers = new EmbeddedWrappers(false);

var collection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("blah");

var result = collection.find().limit(1000).into(new ArrayList<>());

if (result == null) {
  return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();

return ResponseEntity.ok(new Resources<>(Arrays.asList(wrappers.wrap(result))));

Any ideas how I can correctly serialize Decimal128 values so that I only have the value itself?任何想法如何正确序列化Decimal128值以便我只有值本身?

Based on the comments:根据评论:

public class ObjectMapperConfig {

  public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
    var mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    var module = new SimpleModule();
    module.addSerializer(Decimal128.class, new Decimal128Serializer());

    return mapper;

  private static class Decimal128Serializer extends JsonSerializer<Decimal128> {
    public void serialize(Decimal128 v, JsonGenerator g, SerializerProvider p) throws IOException {

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