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Expo 中的相机预览失真

[英]Camera Preview in Expo is Distorted

I'm using Camera that comes from expo package and I'm having trouble with camera preview distortion.我正在使用来自 expo package 的相机,我遇到了相机预览失真的问题。 The preview makes images appear wider in landscape view and thinner in portrait view.预览使图像在横向视图中显得更宽,在纵向视图中显得更薄。 Most of the solutions I have found are not using expo-camera.我发现的大多数解决方案都没有使用 expo-camera。

Relevant Code:相关代码:

camera.page.js: camera.page.js:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { Camera } from 'expo-camera';
import * as Permissions from 'expo-permissions'
import { Platform } from 'react-native';

import styles from './styles';
import Toolbar from './toolbar.component';

const DESIRED_RATIO = "18:9";

export default class CameraPage extends React.Component {
    camera = null;

    state = {
        hasCameraPermission: null,

    async componentDidMount() {
        const camera = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
        const audio = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.AUDIO_RECORDING);
        const hasCameraPermission = (camera.status === 'granted' && audio.status === 'granted');

        this.setState({ hasCameraPermission });

    render() {
        const { hasCameraPermission } = this.state;

        if (hasCameraPermission === null) {
            return <View />;
        } else if (hasCameraPermission === false) {
            return <Text>Access to camera has been denied.</Text>;

        return (
                ref={camera => this.camera = camera}


styles.js: styles.js:

import { StyleSheet, Dimensions } from 'react-native';

const { width: winWidth, height: winHeight } = Dimensions.get('window');
export default StyleSheet.create({
    preview: {
        height: winHeight,
        width: winWidth,
        position: 'absolute',
        left: 0,
        top: 0,
        right: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        paddingBottom: 1000,
    alignCenter: {
        flex: 1,
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
    bottomToolbar: {
        width: winWidth,
        position: 'absolute',
        height: 100,
        bottom: 0,
    captureBtn: {
        width: 60,
        height: 60,
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderRadius: 60,
        borderColor: "#FFFFFF",
    captureBtnActive: {
        width: 80,
        height: 80,
    captureBtnInternal: {
        width: 76,
        height: 76,
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderRadius: 76,
        backgroundColor: "red",
        borderColor: "transparent",

What can I do to fix this?我能做些什么来解决这个问题?

This one is kind of tedious.这个有点乏味。


Basically the problem is that the camera preview is a different width/height ratio from your screen.基本上问题在于相机预览与屏幕的宽度/高度比不同。 As far as I can tell, this is only a problem on Android where:据我所知,这只是 Android 的问题,其中:

  1. Each camera manufacturer supports different aspect ratios每个相机制造商都支持不同的纵横比
  2. Each phone manufacturer creates different screen aspect ratios每个手机制造商都会创建不同的屏幕纵横比


The way to solve this is essentially to:解决这个问题的方法基本上是:

  1. Figure out the aspect ratio (and orientation) of the screen找出屏幕的纵横比(和方向)
const { height, width } = Dimensions.get('window');
const screenRatio = height / width;
  1. Wait for camera to be ready等待相机准备好
const [isRatioSet, setIsRatioSet] = useState(false);

// the camera must be loaded in order to 
// access the supported ratios
const setCameraReady = async() => {
  if (!isRatioSet) {
    await prepareRatio();

return (
    ref={(ref) => {
  1. Figure out the supported aspect ratios of the camera找出相机支持的纵横比
const ratios = await camera.getSupportedRatiosAsync();

This will return an array of strings with the format ['w:h'], so you might see something like this:这将返回一个格式为 ['w:h'] 的字符串数组,因此您可能会看到如下内容:

[ '4:3', '1:1', '16:9' ]
  1. Find the camera's closest aspect ratio to the screen where the height does not exceed the screen ratio (assuming you want a horizontal buffer, not a vertical buffer)在高度不超过屏幕比例的情况下找到相机最接近屏幕的纵横比(假设您想要水平缓冲区,而不是垂直缓冲区)

Essentially what you are trying to do here is to loop through the supported camera ratios and determine which of them are the closest in proportion to the screen.本质上,您在这里尝试做的是循环浏览支持的相机比例,并确定它们中的哪一个与屏幕的比例最接近。 Any that are too tall we toss out since in this example we want to the preview to take up the entire width of the screen and we don't mind if the preview is shorter than the screen in portrait mode.任何太高的我们都会扔掉,因为在这个例子中,我们希望预览占据屏幕的整个宽度,并且我们不介意预览是否比纵向模式下的屏幕短。

a) Get screen aspect ratio a) 获取屏幕纵横比

So let's say that the screen is 480w x 800h, then the aspect ratio of the height / width is 1.666... If we were in landscape mode, we would do width / height.所以假设屏幕是480w x 800h,那么高/宽的纵横比是1.666...如果我们在横向模式下,我们会做宽/高。

b) Get supported camera aspect ratios b) 获取支持的相机纵横比

Then we look at each camera aspect ratio and calculate the width / height.然后我们查看每个相机的纵横比并计算宽度/高度。 The reason we calculate this and not the height / width like we do the screen is that the camera aspect ratios are always in landscape mode.我们计算这个而不是像我们计算屏幕的高度/宽度的原因是相机的纵横比总是处于横向模式。


  • Aspect => calculation方面=>计算
  • 4:3 => 1.3333
  • 1:1 => 1
  • 16:9 => 1.77777

c) Calculate supported camera aspect ratios c) 计算支持的相机纵横比

For each one, we subtract from the aspect ratio of the screen to find the difference.对于每一个,我们从屏幕的纵横比中减去以找出差异。 Any that exceed the aspect ratio of the screen on the long side are discarded:任何超过长边屏幕纵横比的都将被丢弃:

  • Aspect => calculation => difference from screen方面 => 计算 => 与屏幕的差异
  • 4:3 => 1.333... => 0.333... ( closest without going over! ) 4:3 => 1.333... => 0.333...最接近但不超过!
  • 1:1 => 1 => 0.666... (worst match) 1:1 => 1 => 0.666... (最差匹配)
  • 16:9 => 1.777... => -0.111... (too wide) 16:9 => 1.777... => -0.111... (太宽)

d) closest shortest camera aspect ratio matching screen aspect ratio d) 与屏幕纵横比最接近的最短相机纵横比

So we pick the 4:3 aspect ratio for this camera on this screen.所以我们在这个屏幕上为这个相机选择了4:3的纵横比。

e) Calculate difference between camera aspect ratio and screen aspect ratio for padding and positioning. e) 计算用于填充和定位的相机纵横比和屏幕纵横比之间的差异。

To position the preview in the center of the screen, we can calculate half the difference between the screen height and the scaled height of the camera preview.对position在屏幕中央的预览,我们可以计算出屏幕高度与相机预览缩放高度的差的一半。

verticalPadding = (screenHeight - bestRatio * screenWidth) / 2

All together:全部一起:

let distances = {};
let realRatios = {};
let minDistance = null;
for (const ratio of ratios) {
  const parts = ratio.split(':');
  const realRatio = parseInt(parts[0]) / parseInt(parts[1]);
  realRatios[ratio] = realRatio;
  // ratio can't be taller than screen, so we don't want an abs()
  const distance = screenRatio - realRatio; 
  distances[ratio] = realRatio;
  if (minDistance == null) {
    minDistance = ratio;
  } else {
    if (distance >= 0 && distance < distances[minDistance]) {
      minDistance = ratio;
// set the best match
desiredRatio = minDistance;
//  calculate the difference between the camera width and the screen height
const remainder = Math.floor(
  (height - realRatios[desiredRatio] * width) / 2
// set the preview padding and preview ratio
setImagePadding(remainder / 2);
  1. Style the <Camera> component to have the appropriate scaled height to match the applied camera aspect ratio and to be centered or whatever in the screen.设置<Camera>组件的样式,使其具有适当的缩放高度,以匹配应用的相机纵横比并居中或屏幕中的其他位置。
  style={[styles.cameraPreview, {marginTop: imagePadding, marginBottom: imagePadding}]}
  ref={(ref) => {

Something to note is that the camera aspect ratios are always width:height in landscape mode, but your screen might be in either portrait or landscape.需要注意的是,在横向模式下,相机纵横比始终是宽度:高度,但您的屏幕可能是纵向或横向的。


This example only supports a portrait-mode screen.此示例仅支持纵向模式屏幕。 To support both screen types, you'll have to check the screen orientation and change the calculations based on which orientation the device is in.要支持这两种屏幕类型,您必须检查屏幕方向并根据设备所处的方向更改计算。

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import {StyleSheet, View, Text, Dimensions, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { Camera } from 'expo-camera';

export default function App() {
  //  camera permissions
  const [hasCameraPermission, setHasCameraPermission] = useState(null);
  const [camera, setCamera] = useState(null);

  // Screen Ratio and image padding
  const [imagePadding, setImagePadding] = useState(0);
  const [ratio, setRatio] = useState('4:3');  // default is 4:3
  const { height, width } = Dimensions.get('window');
  const screenRatio = height / width;
  const [isRatioSet, setIsRatioSet] =  useState(false);

  // on screen  load, ask for permission to use the camera
  useEffect(() => {
    async function getCameraStatus() {
      const { status } = await Camera.requestPermissionsAsync();
      setHasCameraPermission(status == 'granted');
  }, []);

  // set the camera ratio and padding.
  // this code assumes a portrait mode screen
  const prepareRatio = async () => {
    let desiredRatio = '4:3';  // Start with the system default
    // This issue only affects Android
    if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
      const ratios = await camera.getSupportedRatiosAsync();

      // Calculate the width/height of each of the supported camera ratios
      // These width/height are measured in landscape mode
      // find the ratio that is closest to the screen ratio without going over
      let distances = {};
      let realRatios = {};
      let minDistance = null;
      for (const ratio of ratios) {
        const parts = ratio.split(':');
        const realRatio = parseInt(parts[0]) / parseInt(parts[1]);
        realRatios[ratio] = realRatio;
        // ratio can't be taller than screen, so we don't want an abs()
        const distance = screenRatio - realRatio; 
        distances[ratio] = realRatio;
        if (minDistance == null) {
          minDistance = ratio;
        } else {
          if (distance >= 0 && distance < distances[minDistance]) {
            minDistance = ratio;
      // set the best match
      desiredRatio = minDistance;
      //  calculate the difference between the camera width and the screen height
      const remainder = Math.floor(
        (height - realRatios[desiredRatio] * width) / 2
      // set the preview padding and preview ratio
      // Set a flag so we don't do this 
      // calculation each time the screen refreshes

  // the camera must be loaded in order to access the supported ratios
  const setCameraReady = async() => {
    if (!isRatioSet) {
      await prepareRatio();

  if (hasCameraPermission === null) {
    return (
      <View style={styles.information}>
        <Text>Waiting for camera permissions</Text>
  } else if (hasCameraPermission === false) {
    return (
      <View style={styles.information}>
        <Text>No access to camera</Text>
  } else {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        We created a Camera height by adding margins to the top and bottom, 
        but we could set the width/height instead 
        since we know the screen dimensions
          style={[styles.cameraPreview, {marginTop: imagePadding, marginBottom: imagePadding}]}
          ref={(ref) => {

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  information: { 
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#000',
    justifyContent: 'center'
  cameraPreview: {
    flex: 1,

You can play with the Expo Snack here您可以在这里玩 Expo 小吃


And finally, a camera preview with preserved proportions, which uses padding on the top and bottom to center the preview:最后,保留比例的相机预览,它使用顶部和底部的填充来居中预览:


You can also try this code out online or in your Android on Expo Snack.您也可以在线或在 Expo Snack 上的 Android 中试用此代码

A simple solution in portrait mode:纵向模式下的简单解决方案:

import * as React from "react";
import { Camera } from "expo-camera";
import { useWindowDimensions } from "react-native";

const CameraComponent = () => {
  const {width} = useWindowDimensions();
  const height = Math.round((width * 16) / 9);
  return (
        height: height,
        width: "100%",

export default CameraComponent;

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