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[英]question about goroutine infinite loop and memory allocation

So i have a program which need to allocate a very big chunk of memory and hold it forever.所以我有一个程序需要分配一大块 memory 并永远持有它。 As a test, i also run a goroutine which runs an infinite loop, in my main thread, i allocate the memory, however the program stuck forever in the goroutine's infinite loop even i set GOMAXPROCS to more then 1.作为测试,我还运行了一个运行无限循环的 goroutine,在我的主线程中,我分配了 memory,但是即使我将 GOMAXPROCS 设置为大于 1,程序也会永远卡在 goroutine 的无限循环中。

func main() {
    go func() {
        for {
    fmt.Println("main thread1")
    x := [1145][1145]int{}
    for i := 0; i < 1144; i++ {
        x[i][i] = i
    fmt.Println("main thread2")


if i don't do anything in the infinite loop, my main thread1 will never be able to successfully allocate the memory and print "main thread2", even i set GOMAXPROCS to 2, if i print something inside the infinite loop, everythings works fine(which is expected, as the goroutine print something in the infinite loop, it invoke the system call and yield the cpu, so my main thread can allocate the memory.如果我在无限循环中不做任何事情,我的主线程 1 将永远无法成功分配 memory 并打印“主线程 2”,即使我将 GOMAXPROCS 设置为 2,如果我在无限循环中打印一些东西,一切正常(这是预期的,因为goroutine在无限循环中打印一些东西,它调用系统调用并产生cpu,所以我的主线程可以分配memory。

i am wondering why is that?我想知道为什么会这样?

Your underlying computer system has some number of thread-executors.你的底层计算机系统有一些线程执行器。 The Go runtime finds out how many on its own, and creates the appropriate number of runtime executors to use all of the system's. Go 运行时自己找出多少,并创建适当数量的运行时执行程序以使用所有系统。 Changing GOMAXPROCS changes how many executors the runtime will try to allocate, but has no effect on the underlying system.更改 GOMAXPROCS 会更改运行时尝试分配的执行程序数量,但对底层系统没有影响。 In this case, it appears that the underlying system itself has only one executor.在这种情况下,似乎底层系统本身只有一个执行者。

If your underlying system had two or more, Go would already have created two executors by this point and would be running the infinite loop goroutine on one of them, and your main goroutine on the other, at the same time.如果您的底层系统有两个或更多,Go 此时已经创建了两个执行程序,并将在其中一个上运行无限循环 goroutine,同时在另一个上运行您的main goroutine。 But since your system has only one, just one gets to run.但是由于您的系统只有一个,所以只有一个可以运行。 Regardless of how many runtime-level executors the Go runtime might create, only one of them can be bound to a hardware CPU to actually run .无论 Go 运行时可能创建多少运行时级别的执行程序,只有其中一个可以绑定到硬件 CPU 以实际运行

Note that goroutines are mapped many-to-N.请注意,goroutine 是多对 N 映射的。 For instance, suppose you spin off 1000 goroutines, and have ten CPUs.例如,假设您拆分出 1000 个 goroutine,并拥有 10 个 CPU。 The runtime will allocate ten executors and use the ten CPUs to run ten of the 1000 goroutines at once.运行时将分配 10 个执行器并使用 10 个 CPU 一次运行 1000 个 goroutine 中的 10 个。 The remaining 990 goroutines wait until one of the executors reaches a point where it voluntarily stops running that goroutine and picks up one of the remaining 990.剩下的 990 个 goroutine 等到其中一个执行者达到自愿停止运行goroutine 并选择剩余 990 个的点。

You can call runtime.Gosched yourself, from any goroutine, to say: I voluntarily suspend myself to let other goroutines that would like to run, run, until an executor can pick me up to run again.你可以从任何 goroutine 调用runtime.Gosched自己,说:我自愿暂停自己,让其他想要运行的 goroutine 运行,直到执行器可以接我再次运行。 Many other systems call this function yield or some variation.许多其他系统将此称为 function yield或一些变化。 (And be careful with the word "suspend": I used it here for effect, but the goroutine that caled runtime.Gosched is not technically suspended in that it's still marked as "would like to run", while other goroutines may be technically suspended in that they're marked "cannot run now, waiting for ____" (fill in the blank).) (注意“挂起”这个词:我在这里使用它是为了效果,但是调用runtime.Gosched的 goroutine 在技术上并没有挂起,因为它仍然被标记为“想要运行”,而其他 goroutine 可能在技术上被挂起因为它们被标记为“现在不能运行,正在等待____”(填空)。)

See also How do goroutines work?另请参阅goroutines 是如何工作的? (or: goroutines and OS threads relation) . (或:goroutines 和 OS 线程的关系)

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