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如何从 AWS lambda 上的 API 获得正确响应

[英]How to get a correct response from an API on AWS lambda

This is my first time soliciting the Stack-Overflow community.这是我第一次向 Stack-Overflow 社区征求意见。 Since a few days I have been learning to use the AWS lambda service connected with GETEWAY.几天以来,我一直在学习使用与 GETEWAY 连接的 AWS lambda 服务。 I need to do a GET on an API but the problem is that I constantly receive a empty response.我需要在 API 上执行 GET,但问题是我经常收到一个空响应。

Here is an example of my code with a free access API:这是我的代码示例,可免费访问 API:

var getApi= async function(event) {
        var x =  await axios.get(url)       

var getResponse = async function(){
  var data= await getApi()
  if (data.status ==200){
       return data


exports.handler = async function() {

    return getResponse().then(res => {
        const response = {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: JSON.stringify(res), 
        return response

    }).catch(error => { return error})

Thank you very much for your help,非常感谢您的帮助,

I would suggest using console.log() all over the file to debug.我建议在整个文件中使用console.log()进行调试。 You should by default be able to see the response to these console logs in Cloudwatch:)默认情况下,您应该能够在 Cloudwatch 中看到对这些控制台日志的响应:)

Read more here:在这里阅读更多:

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/monitoring-functions-logs.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/monitoring-functions-logs.html

I myself ran into this issue very recently.我自己最近遇到了这个问题。 The solution is:解决方案是:

  1. If you are using the Lambda as an authorizer in your AWS Gateway, then the Lambda should return a JSON object that contains principalId, policyDocument and context.如果您在 AWS 网关中使用 Lambda 作为授权方,则 Lambda 应返回包含委托人 Id99 上下文的 JSON ZA8CFDE6331BDC4 和 66F8 上下文。
  2. Context is a map where you can add your own custom variables such as Strings, Numbers and Booleans.上下文是 map,您可以在其中添加自己的自定义变量,例如字符串、数字和布尔值。

The entire content of the JSON object will be returned to the Gateway. JSON object 的全部内容将返回到网关。 Check out this documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-lambda-authorizer-output.html查看此文档: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-lambda-authorizer-output.html

I also have a pretty detailed Stackoverflow post on how the Gateway should be configured via Cloudformation YAML file: AWS API Gateway with Lambda Authorizer我还有一篇关于如何通过 Cloudformation YAML 文件配置网关的非常详细的 Stackoverflow 帖子: AWS API Gateway with Lambda Authorizer

It is because of node.js asynchronous call.这是因为 node.js 异步调用。 Your function finishes the running before asynchronous call returns.您的 function 在异步调用返回之前完成运行。 I fixed some lines of codes.我修复了一些代码行。 I wish this might be helpful for you.我希望这可能对您有所帮助。

const getApi= async function() {
   return await axios.get(url)

const getResponse = async function(){
    const data= await getApi()
    if (data.status ==200){
        return data

exports.handler = async function() {
    return await getResponse().then(res => {
        const response = {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: JSON.stringify(res), 
        return response
    }).catch(error => console.error(error))

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