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一切看起来都很完美,但是 Eclipse 安装程序无法安装,原因是找不到 JDK

[英]Everything looks perfect, but Eclipse installer can't install it for a reason that it can't find the JDK

I've tried to install eclipse, but it's connected to the web page displaying the following error and I couldn't install it.我尝试安装 eclipse,但它连接到 web 页面显示以下错误,我无法安装它。

Unfortunately the Java version needed to run Eclipse Installer couldn't be found on your system.不幸的是,在您的系统上找不到运行 Eclipse 安装程序所需的 Java 版本。 You need the following version or a higher version: Java 1.8.0 (64 Bit)您需要以下版本或更高版本:Java 1.8.0 (64 Bit)

But my JDK version is Aleady 1.8.0_231(64Bit) and i completed setting up the environment variable.但是我的 JDK 版本是 Aleady 1.8.0_231(64Bit) ,我完成了环境变量的设置。 ( JAVA_HOME , and Path as System Variable) JAVA_HOME路径作为系统变量)

Normally, using a different IDE like InteliJ(and it works normally on my computer) can be a solution but it's not possible because I have to submit it as a university assignment using eclipse.通常,使用不同的 IDE(如 InteliJ)(它在我的计算机上正常工作)可能是一个解决方案,但这是不可能的,因为我必须使用 eclipse 将其作为大学作业提交。

What should I do?我应该怎么办?

This is my CMD Screenshot with checking JDK version这是我的 CMD 检查 JDK 版本的屏幕截图

For anybody else (especially other Koreans) who may be struggling with Eclipse installation, turns out that the installer won't work if your account user name is in Korean.对于可能在安装 Eclipse 时遇到困难的其他任何人(尤其是其他韩国人),如果您的帐户用户名是韩语,则安装程序将无法工作。 Specifically referring to the name that shows when you run your command prompt (as shown in the poster's image hyperlink) or at C:\Users -- if that name is in Korean, that it turns out that Eclipse installer will not work even if most recent Java is installed and paths are set correctly.具体指的是当您运行命令提示符(如海报的图像超链接所示)或 C:\Users 时显示的名称——如果该名称是韩语,则证明 Eclipse 安装程序将无法工作最近安装了 Java 并且路径设置正确。

Easy way to get around this issue then is to create another local account with only English characters, and run the installer.解决此问题的简单方法是创建另一个仅包含英文字符的本地帐户,然后运行安装程序。 Not sure why this happens, but it seems to be a common pattern I noticed with the most recent version of Eclipse installer.不知道为什么会发生这种情况,但这似乎是我在最新版本的 Eclipse 安装程序中注意到的常见模式。

It seems installing Eclipse on the account with English characters only still does not allow Eclipse to run, so I have to be signed into that account if I'm using the laptop.似乎在仅使用英文字符的帐户上安装 Eclipse 仍然不允许 Eclipse 运行,因此如果我使用笔记本电脑,我必须登录该帐户。 Maybe someone who can deal with this issue in a more efficient way can help us out?也许可以以更有效的方式处理这个问题的人可以帮助我们?

I had a similar problem with AdoptOpenJDK 13 (The PATH and JAVA_HOME variables were correct). AdoptOpenJDK 13 也有类似的问题( PATHJAVA_HOME变量是正确的)。

The way I fixed that was simple.我解决这个问题的方法很简单。 I created a eclipse.ini with the following contents in the same directory as the eclipse installer:我在与 eclipse 安装程序相同的目录中创建了一个eclipse.ini ,其内容如下:

C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\javaw.exe

After doing that, the installer stopped complaining and I could install eclipse.之后,安装程序停止抱怨,我可以安装 eclipse。

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