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无法对 mvc 中的 null 引用执行运行时绑定

[英]Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference in mvc

@if ((ViewBag.DynamicFields.Length == 0 )||((ViewBag.DynamicFields as ICollection<ChampModel.DynamicFields>).Where(o => o.Active == false).Count() == (ViewBag.DynamicFields as ICollection<ChampModel.DynamicFields>).Count()))
    <div class="info">
    @Html.Label("Dynamic fields were not assigned to this table")</div>

This error happens when you have a ViewBag property being nonexistent in your view.当您的视图中不存在 ViewBag 属性时,会发生此错误。

See if there is a typo?看看有没有错别字?

or just add check for null或者只是添加检查 null

 @if (((ViewBag.DynamicFields == null) ||(ViewBag.DynamicFields.Length == 0 )||((ViewBag.DynamicFields as ICollection<ChampModel.DynamicFields>).Where(o => o.Active == false).Count() == (ViewBag.DynamicFields as ICollection<ChampModel.DynamicFields>).Count()))

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