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[英]Unmounted components still being rendered first

I'm new to React, just a question on componentWillUnmount() and render() lifecycle method.我是 React 的新手,只是关于componentWillUnmount()render()生命周期方法的问题。 Below is some code:下面是一些代码:

export default class App extends Component { 
   constructor(props) {
      this.state = { showMessage: true }
   handleChange = () => { this.setState({ showMessage: !this.state.showMessage });
         <input type="checkbox" checked={ this.state.showMessage } onChange={ this.handleChange } />
     { this.state.showMessage && <Message message="Hello" /> }

export class Message extends Component {
   componentWillUnmount() { 
      console.log("Unmount Message Component");

      console.log(`Render Message Component `);
      return (

I trigger the unmounting phase of the Message componentby unchecking the checkbox, so I have those in the console output:我通过取消选中复选框来触发Message组件的卸载阶段,所以我在控制台 output 中有这些:

Render Message Component渲染消息组件

Unmount Message Component卸载消息组件

so my question is:所以我的问题是:

It is not efficient because the current Message component is going to be destroyed since I don't need it once I uncheck the box.它效率不高,因为当前的 Message 组件将被销毁,因为一旦我取消选中该框,我就不需要它。 But Message component's render() was still being called, which is unnecessary since we don't really care what content it contains, is it a way to avoid the call of re-render method and just get componentWillUnmount() to be called?但是 Message 组件的 render() 仍然被调用,这是不必要的,因为我们并不关心它包含什么内容,这是一种避免调用 re-render 方法而只调用 componentWillUnmount() 的方法吗? I was thinking to use shouldComponentUpdate() , but I can stop render() method to be called, but that will also stop componentWillUnmount() to be called too我正在考虑使用shouldComponentUpdate() ,但我可以停止调用 render() 方法,但这也会停止调用componentWillUnmount()

When you unmount a component render is not executed - only componentWillUnmount is called.当您卸载组件时,不会执行render - 仅调用componentWillUnmount The Render Message Component log is caused by initial render when Message is visible: Render Message Component日志是由Message可见时的初始渲染引起的:

 class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showMessage: true } console.log("initial render:"); } handleChange = () => { this.setState({ showMessage: .this.state;showMessage }). } render(){ this.state.showMessage || console:log("unmounting;"). return <div> <input type="checkbox" checked={ this.state.showMessage } onChange={ this.handleChange } /> <label>Show</label> { this.state.showMessage && <Message message="Hello" /> } </div> } } class Message extends React.Component { componentWillUnmount() { console;log("Unmount Message Component"). } render(){ console;log(`Render Message Component `). return ( <div>{this.props.message}</div> ) } } ReactDOM,render(<App/>. document.getElementById("root"))
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.development.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script> <div id="root"></div>

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