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用于从目录中的文件中提取元素并制作列表的 TCL 脚本

[英]TCL script to extract the elements from a file in a directory and make a list

I am having one problem as stated below我有一个问题,如下所述

Problem Description问题描述

I am having some "sv" extension files, I am using "glob" to extract the matching files, Now in these matching files, I need to split them and extract the elements and create different lists.我有一些“sv”扩展文件,我正在使用“glob”来提取匹配文件,现在在这些匹配文件中,我需要拆分它们并提取元素并创建不同的列表。

For example例如

set files [glob -type f modified_rtl_files/*/*{wrapper_hsm}*]

This command gives me these two files:这个命令给了我这两个文件:

modified_rtl_files/mbist_wrapper/mbist_wpper_hsm_pkram.sv modified_rtl_files/mbi_wrapper/mbist_wrapper_hsm_sysram.sv

Now I am extracting the filename with the below command现在我正在使用以下命令提取文件名

foreach element $files {
set c [split [ file tail [ file rootname $element ] ] "_" ]
echo $c

This is giving me这是给我


But I need to set them to two independent list但我需要将它们设置为两个独立的列表

$mem1 should be pkram 
$mem2 should be sysram 

Whenever I am trying to create something like this, both the elements are getting printed每当我试图创建这样的东西时,这两个元素都会被打印出来

foreach element $files {                                                                                              
set c [split [ file tail [ file rootname $element ] ] "_" ]                                                                      
set d [ lindex $c 3]                                                                                                             
set mem1 [ lindex  $d 0 ]                                                                                                        
puts $mem1                                                                                                                       

It is printing both它正在打印


I want independent variables.我想要自变量。

Try adding the values you want into an array instead of numbered variables:尝试将所需的值添加到数组而不是编号变量中:

set files {modified_rtl_files/mbist_wrapper/mbist_wpper_hsm_pkram.sv modified_rtl_files/mbi_wrapper/mbist_wrapper_hsm_sysram.sv}
set mem {}

foreach f $files {
    lappend mem [file rootname [lindex [split $f _] end]]

puts [lindex $mem 0]  ;# => pkram
puts [lindex $mem 1]  ;# => sysram

Or use the lmap command to make it more concise:或者使用lmap命令使其更简洁:

set mem [lmap f $files {file rootname [lindex [split $f _] end]}]

You can do generated names with set :可以使用set生成名称:

foreach element [lsort $files] {
    set mem[incr i] [lindex [split [file tail [file rootname $element]] "_"] 3]
    puts [set mem$i];  # <<< How to *READ* a variable with a generated name

(Always sort the output of glob if you care about the order at all; it's not guaranteed to come in any order at all or with any consistency). (如果您完全关心订单,请始终对glob的 output 进行排序;不能保证完全按任何顺序或任何一致性出现)。


Generated variable names are a pain to work with precisely because they can't be used with the $ language syntax.生成的变量名使用起来很痛苦,因为它们不能与$语言语法一起使用。 You're much better using (associative) arrays because those do work with that:使用(关联)arrays 会更好,因为它们确实可以使用:

foreach element [lsort $files] {
    set mem([incr i]) [lindex [split [file tail [file rootname $element]] "_"] 3]
    puts $mem($i)

The values will not be in mem1 and mem2 , but rather mem(1) and mem(2) .这些值将不在mem1mem2中,而是在mem(1)mem(2)中。

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