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Java - 带括号的开关 Label

[英]Java - Switch Label with parentheses

I found that parentheses can be used in switch label, eg:我发现在开关label中可以使用括号,例如:

switch(id) {
  case (CONSTANT):
  case (1):
     // Do action

But why Java allow parentheses in this case, is there a use case?但是为什么Java在这种情况下允许括号,有用例吗? because I can't use ||因为我不能用|| or , to use multiple, eg,使用多个,例如

  case (CONSTANT||1):
  case (CONSTANT,1):

So why allow this syntax, I didn't find in JLS :那么为什么允许这种语法,我在JLS中没有找到:

 SwitchLabel: case ConstantExpression: case EnumConstantName: default: EnumConstantName: Identifier

Well, a ConstantExpression can contain parentheses:好吧, ConstantExpression可以包含括号:

A constant expression is an expression denoting a value of primitive type or a String that does not complete abruptly and is composed using only the following:常量表达式是表示原始类型值或字符串的表达式,它不会突然完成并且仅使用以下内容组成:

  • ... ...

  • Parenthesized expressions (§15.8.5) whose contained expression is a constant expression.带括号的表达式(第 15.8.5 节),其包含的表达式是常量表达式。

  • ... ...

Hence, since any constant expression (whose type is char, byte, short, int, Character, Byte, Short, Integer, String, or an enum type) is allowed after case , parentheses are allowed.因此,由于在case之后允许使用任何常量表达式(其类型为 char、byte、short、int、Character、Byte、Short、Integer、String 或枚举类型),因此允许使用括号。

The case just needs to be a constant expression. case 只需要是一个常量表达式。 Something in parenthesis may be a constant expression.括号中的内容可能是一个常量表达式。

private static final int TWO = 2;

public static void main(String[] args) {

private static void foo(int i) {
    switch (i) {
        case (TWO + 1):
        case (TWO + 1) * 3:

CONSTANT || 1 CONSTANT || 1 is not allowed because integers are not valid operands of || CONSTANT || 1是不允许的,因为整数不是||的有效操作数. .

The comma syntax is not a thing.逗号语法不是一回事。

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