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如何从 Dart 中的 Either 类型轻松提取 Left 或 Right (Dartz)

[英]How to extract Left or Right easily from Either type in Dart (Dartz)

I am looking to extract a value easily from a method that return a type Either<Exception, Object> .我希望从返回类型Either<Exception, Object>的方法中轻松提取值。

I am doing some tests but unable to test easily the return of my methods.我正在做一些测试,但无法轻松测试我的方法的返回。

For example:例如:

final Either<ServerException, TokenModel> result = await repository.getToken(...);

To test I am able to do that为了测试我能做到

expect(result, equals(Right(tokenModelExpected))); // => OK

Now how can I retrieve the result directly?现在如何直接检索结果?

final TokenModel modelRetrieved = Left(result); ==> Not working..

I found that I have to cast like that:我发现我必须这样投:

final TokenModel modelRetrieved = (result as Left).value; ==> But I have some linter complain, that telling me that I shouldn't do as to cast on object...

Also I would like to test the exception but it's not working, for example:我也想测试异常但它不起作用,例如:

expect(result, equals(Left(ServerException()))); // => KO

So I tried this所以我试过了

expect(Left(ServerException()), equals(Left(ServerException()))); // => KO as well, because it says that the instances are different.

Ok here the solutions of my problems:好的,我的问题的解决方案:

To extract/retrieve the data提取/检索数据

final Either<ServerException, TokenModel> result = await repository.getToken(...);
 (exception) => DoWhatYouWantWithException, 
 (tokenModel) => DoWhatYouWantWithModel

//Other way to 'extract' the data
if (result.isRight()) {
  final TokenModel tokenModel = result.getOrElse(null);

To test the exception测试异常

//You can extract it from below, or test it directly with the type
expect(() => result, throwsA(isInstanceOf<ServerException>()));

Another way to extract the value is simply to convert to Option , then to a dart nullable:提取值的另一种方法是简单地转换为Option ,然后转换为dart可为空的:

final Either<Exception, String> myEither = Right("value");

final String? myValue = myEither.toOption().toNullable();

If you like you can define a simple extension to shortcut this:如果你喜欢,你可以定义一个简单的扩展来快捷方式:

extension EitherHelpers<L, R> on Either<L, R> {
  R? unwrapRight() {
    return toOption().toNullable();

I can't post a comment... But maybe you could look at this post .我不能发表评论......但也许你可以看看这篇文章 It's not the same language, but looks like it's the same behaviour.它不是同一种语言,但看起来它是相同的行为。

Good luck.祝你好运。


just create dartz_x.dart like this one.只需像这样创建dartz_x.dart

import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';

extension EitherX<L, R> on Either<L, R> {
  R asRight() => (this as Right).value; //
  L asLeft() => (this as Left).value;

And use like that.并像那样使用。

import 'dartz_x.dart';

void foo(Either<Error, String> either) {
  if (either.isLeft()) {
    final Error error = either.asLeft();
    // some code
  } else {
    final String text = either.asRight();
    // some code
  Future<Either<Failure, FactsBase>> call(Params params) async {
final resulting = await repository.facts();
return resulting.fold(
  (failure) {
    return Left(failure);
  (factsbase) {
    DateTime cfend = sl<EndDateSetting>().finish;        
    List<CashAction> actions = factsbase.transfers.process(facts: factsbase, startDate: repository.today, finishDate: cfend); // process all the transfers in one line using extensions
    actions.addAll(factsbase.transactions.process(facts: factsbase, startDate: repository.today, finishDate: cfend));
    for(var action in actions) action.account.cashActions.add(action); // copy all the CashActions to the Account.
    for(var account in factsbase.accounts) account.process(start: repository.today);
    return Right(factsbase);

} }

extension EitherExtension<L, R> on Either<L, R> {
  R? getRight() => fold<R?>((_) => null, (r) => r);
  L? getLeft() => fold<L?>((l) => l, (_) => null);

I return fold result on Either type我返回任何类型的折叠结果

  Future<Either<Failure, bool>> call(UpdateReceiptParams params) async {
    Either<Failure, ProcurementStore> procurementStore =
        await _getProcurementStore();
    return procurementStore.fold((_) => Left(ServerFailure()),
        (procurementlStore) async {
      List<ReceiptItem> receiptItems =
          _getReceiptItem(params.shipmentStatus, params.quantityAmounts);
      final Receipt receipt = Receiplt(
          procurementStore: procurementStore,
          costCenter: const CostCenter(),
          receiptItems: receiptItems,
          shipmentId: params.shipmentStatus.Id,
          receiptType: params.shipmentStatus.ShipmentType,
          description: params.description,
          operationPeriodId: 0,
          receiptDate: params.date,
          receiptTime: params.time);
      return await shipmentsRepository.updateReceipt(receipt);

To extract left or right:要提取左侧或右侧:


print(result.fold((l) => l, (r) => null))


print(result.fold((l) => null, (r) => r))

You can cast it but make sure u use isLeft / isRight first您可以投射它,但请确保您先使用 isLeft / isRight

final workflowUnload = await someEither();
 if (workflowUnload.isLeft()) {
     status: JobOrderStatus.error,
     failure: (workflowUnload as Left).value,

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