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Lambda function 未通过 Auth0 node-auth0 SDK 调用 auth0 方法

[英]Lambda function not calling auth0 methods via Auth0 node-auth0 SDK

I've got a lambda function which is triggered when a message is added to the SQS queue.我有一个 lambda function 当一条消息添加到 SQS 队列时触发。

The message contains a userId which I was hoping to connect to Auth0 node SDK .该消息包含我希望连接到Auth0 节点 SDK的 userId 。

my GetUserDetails (below) fires as the console.log is viewable in CloudWatch我的GetUserDetails (如下)在 CloudWatch 中可以查看console.log时触发

I can see in the Auth0 logs that a token request is made from the new ManagementClient call but then nothing after that.我可以在 Auth0 日志中看到一个令牌请求是new ManagementClient调用发出的,但之后什么也没有。

example of my code我的代码示例

import { ManagementClient } from 'auth0';

const auth0 = new ManagementClient({
  domain: 'xxx.auth0.com',
  clientId: 'xxx',
  clientSecret: 'xxx',
  scope: 'read:users update:users',

const GetUserDetails = userId => {
  console.log('userId', userId); <-- This fires and can be seen in CloudWatch

  auth0.getUser({ id: userId }, (err, resp) => { <-- Nothing happens no errors, no user details
    if (err) {
      console.log('my error', err);
      return err.message;
    return resp;

I got it to work using this format:我让它使用这种格式工作:

  .then(function(users) {
  .catch(function(err) {

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