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[英]Game of craps looping more than once after quitting the game

I am trying to make a program to play a game of craps where the user enters a bet amount, then they roll 2 six sided dice.我正在尝试制作一个程序来玩掷骰子游戏,用户输入下注金额,然后他们掷出 2 个六面骰子。 If the sum of the dice s 2,3 or 12 they lose.如果骰子的总和为 2,3 或 12,他们就输了。 7 or 11 they win. 7或11他们赢了。 if any other number is rolled the player keeps rolling until they get the point number to win or 7 to lose.如果滚动任何其他数字,玩家将继续滚动,直到他们获得点数获胜或 7 输。 However for some reason if I select n to not play again it still loops the game a second time before quitting.但是由于某种原因,如果我 select n 不再玩,它仍然会在退出前第二次循环游戏。 I am not sure why any help would be appreciated.我不确定为什么会有任何帮助。

static void processCraps()
    string gameStatus = null;
    double betAmount =0;
    double netWinning = 0;
    int point;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount to bet");
            betAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("Invaid input try again");

        var diceRoll = RollDice();
        if (diceRoll == 2 || diceRoll == 3 || diceRoll == 12)
            Console.WriteLine($"You lost {betAmount}");
            netWinning = netWinning - betAmount;
        else if (diceRoll == 7 || diceRoll == 11)
            Console.WriteLine($"You won {betAmount}");
            netWinning = netWinning + betAmount;
        else if (diceRoll != 2 || diceRoll != 3 || diceRoll != 12 || diceRoll != 7 || diceRoll != 11)
            point = diceRoll;
            Console.WriteLine($"Point is {point}");
            for (int rollCount = 0; rollCount >= point; rollCount++)
                var roll = RollDice();
                if (roll == 7)
                    Console.WriteLine($"You lost {betAmount}");
                    netWinning = netWinning - betAmount;
                else if (roll == point)
                    Console.WriteLine($"You won {betAmount}");
                    netWinning = netWinning + betAmount;
            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again (y/n)");
            gameStatus = Console.ReadLine();
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("answer must be a letter");
    } while (gameStatus != "n") ;
    Console.WriteLine($"Your net winning is {netWinning}");

You read input twice.你读了两次输入。

You may want to split the logic into two loops.您可能希望将逻辑拆分为两个循环。 1. Read bet amount. 1. 读取投注金额。 2. Play game. 2. 玩游戏。

    Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount to bet, or 'q' to quit:");
    var betStr = Console.ReadLine();
    if( betStr == "q") return;
    double.TryParse(betStr, out betAmount);
} while (betAmount != 0);
    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again (n = quit)?");
    gameStatus = Console.ReadLine();
} while (gameStatus != "n");

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