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如何在 React 应用程序中包含普通的 JavaScript?

[英]How to include plain JavaScript in a React app?

I'm trying to create a React page which includes a p5 sketch, but doing so seems to require me to rewrite standard JavaScript I would normally run in a browser to make it work as a react component.我正在尝试创建一个包含 p5 草图的 React 页面,但这样做似乎需要我重写标准 JavaScript 我通常会在浏览器中运行以使其作为反应组件工作。

For example, I'd like to have React serve this code to the client:例如,我想让 React 将此代码提供给客户端:

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {

But I can't find a way to just have React give the client a JavaScript file.但是我找不到让 React 给客户端一个 JavaScript 文件的方法。 Instead I have to create a component like this:相反,我必须创建一个这样的组件:

export default function(p: p5) {

    p.setup = function setup() {
        p.createCanvas(600, 600);

    p.draw = function draw() {


This might seem trivial but if my team and I can include code that we've already written which works outside of react without having to rewrite everything would make things much easier.这可能看起来微不足道,但如果我和我的团队可以包含我们已经编写的代码,这些代码可以在 react 之外工作,而无需重写所有内容,这将使事情变得更容易。

One way to solve the problem is to just place the file in the public directory of React and just serve it statically along with index.html , but I'd prefer to only give the client the file when it needs it instead of just serving every file at once.解决问题的一种方法是将文件放在 React 的公共目录中,然后将其与index.html一起静态提供,但我宁愿只在需要时向客户端提供文件,而不是只提供每个一次归档。 If I could just have a component import the JavaScript file and send it like it can do with images, that would be exactly what I'm looking for.如果我可以让一个组件导入 JavaScript 文件并像处理图像一样发送它,那正是我正在寻找的。

Edit: Sorry, to clarify what I meant, Node is what's actually serving things, what I want is when React renders a page it will also run JavaScript code as if it were written in a <script> tag in the HTML page.编辑:抱歉,为了澄清我的意思,Node 是实际服务的东西,我想要的是当 React 呈现页面时,它也会运行 JavaScript 代码,就好像它是写在 HTML 页面中的<script>标记中一样。

I've solved it.我已经解决了。 Essentially I put all of the code I want to run in a file like sketch.js but surround it in a function which is exported:本质上,我将我想要运行的所有代码放在像sketch.js这样的文件中,但将其包围在导出的 function 中:

export default function Sketch() {
    function setup() {
        createCanvas(600, 600);

    function draw() {

Then in app.js you can do something like:然后在app.js中,您可以执行以下操作:

import Sketch from './sketch';

That will run all of the code in that function in the client's browser.这将在客户端的浏览器中运行 function 中的所有代码。

So just an option, we do this for optionally loading certain scripts on our app.所以只是一个选项,我们这样做是为了在我们的应用程序上选择性地加载某些脚本。 In your component on the constructor (or maybe the willMount, play around with it) create a new script tag and append that script tag to the head of you app.在构造函数(或者可能是 willMount,玩弄它)上的组件中,创建一个新的脚本标签和 append 该脚本标签到你的应用程序的头部。 This will cause the script to only be run when this component is rendered (Depending on where you called the function to add the script tag).这将导致脚本仅在渲染此组件时运行(取决于您调用 function 以添加脚本标记的位置)。 You might also have to think about removing the script tag depending on what your doing, but you get the idea.您可能还需要考虑根据您的操作删除脚本标签,但您明白了。

The function would look something like this: function 看起来像这样:

addScriptTag = () => {
  script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = [url/path of the javascript you want to server from your node server];
  // Or just set the javascript on the script tag by adding innerText and type arts

then do something like:然后做类似的事情:

constructor() {

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