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[英]Setting the selected value of a dropdown option

I'm working on a simple calculator app in Laravel Blade.我正在 Laravel Blade 中开发一个简单的计算器应用程序。 We have not moved to models yet, just working in views and routes, so I keep running into options I haven't learned how to use yet.我们还没有转向模型,只是在视图和路由中工作,所以我不断遇到我还没有学会如何使用的选项。

My application is running without issue but is not retaining the selected value in the dropdown on POST.我的应用程序运行没有问题,但未在 POST 的下拉列表中保留所选值。 I am able to print the value to the screen, and it is working in a later selector.我能够将值打印到屏幕上,并且它在以后的选择器中工作。 I think I just need to write an if statement in the options to set the selected value, but I can't find syntax that I understand/am allowed to use in this project.我想我只需要在选项中编写一个 if 语句来设置所选值,但我找不到我理解/允许在这个项目中使用的语法。

    <div class="form-group">
      <select class="form-control form-control-lg" id="operatorInput" name="operatorInput" value="{{Session::get('operator')}}">
        <option value="+" @if(Session::get('operatorInput') == "+" ? "selected" : "" )@endif>Addition (+)</option>
        <option value="-" @if(Session::get('operatorInput') == "-" ? "selected" : "" )@endif>Subtraction (-)</option>   

I get a throwable error on this example, so I know it isn't correct.我在这个例子中得到了一个可抛出的错误,所以我知道它是不正确的。

The throwable error is due to calling the Session Facade without the \ root indicator, use the session helper instead throwable 错误是由于在没有 \ 根指示符的情况下调用 Session 外观,请改用 session 助手

For example routes/web.php例如routes/web.php

Route::get('/', function () {
    session(['operatorInput' => '-']);
    return view('welcome');

And welcome.blade.phpwelcome.blade.php

<div class="form-group">
    <select class="form-control form-control-lg" id="operatorInput" name="operatorInput"
        value="{{ session('operator') }}">
        <option value="+" {{  (session('operatorInput') == "+") ? "selected" : "" }}>Addition (+)</option>
        <option value="-" {{  (session('operatorInput') == "-") ? "selected" : "" }}>Subtraction (-)</option>



You can keep your current code but you need to add a backslash \ before the \Session facade alias, but I find the helper function to be more elegant for a view file (and shorter)您可以保留当前代码,但需要在\Session外观别名之前添加反斜杠\ ,但我发现帮助程序 function 对于视图文件更优雅(并且更短)

Hope this helps希望这可以帮助

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