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[英]How to use MVVMCross to compose fragments into an Activity when dealing with class libraries

If you have the following project structure:如果您有以下项目结构:

  • Main Project - Android Host app主要项目 - Android 主机应用程序
  • Component A - Android Class Library组件 A - Android Class 库
  • Component B - Android Class Library组件 B - Android Class 库

If Main Project contains the MainActivity that hosts the FrameLayout.如果 Main Project 包含承载 FrameLayout 的 MainActivity。

How exactly would one use the MvxNavigationService to navigate to a fragment using the MvxFragmentPresentationAttribute, when that attribute requires two vital pieces of information:当该属性需要两个重要信息时,如何使用 MvxNavigationService 导航到使用 MvxFragmentPresentationAttribute 的片段:

  • Type of the Host viewmodel主机视图模型的类型
  • Android Resource Id of the FrameLayout. Android FrameLayout 的资源 ID。

Is there anyway to accomplish this?有没有办法做到这一点?


Your fragment class would look like this.您的片段 class 看起来像这样。

[MvxFragmentPresentation(typeof(MainViewModel), Resource.Id.frameLayout, AddToBackStack = true)]
public class CardsBaseView : MvxFragment<CardsBaseViewModel> {

Here MainViewModel is associated with MainActivity which is hosting this frag.这里 MainViewModel 与托管此片段的 MainActivity 相关联。

To launch this fragment.启动这个片段。

Suppose you want to go to CardsBaseView from MyView;假设你想 go 从 MyView 到 CardsBaseView;

Your MyViewModel should look like the below.您的 MyViewModel 应如下所示。

public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
    private readonly IMvxNavigationService _navigationService;

    public MyViewModel(IMvxNavigationService navigationService)
        _navigationService = navigationService;
void NavigateToCardsView(){

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