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如何在 vs-community 中更改我的代码而不重新启动我的应用程序?

[英]How can I make changes on my code in vs-community and not to restart my application?

How can I avoid restart my .net application for every change I make on my code?对于我对代码所做的每次更改,如何避免重新启动我的 .net 应用程序? I know there is a way on which you just compile the application and then refresh the explorer and all the changes you made on code are there but I can't remember how is it.我知道有一种方法可以让您编译应用程序,然后刷新资源管理器,您对代码所做的所有更改都在那里,但我不记得它是怎么回事。

When you run the application use Ctrl F5.当您运行应用程序时,请使用 Ctrl F5。 The differences between using F5 and Ctrl F5 are discussed here . 这里讨论了使用 F5 和 Ctrl F5 之间的区别

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