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从批处理文件调用 PowerShell 脚本连接远程机器不起作用

[英]calling PowerShell script from batch file to connect remote machine is not working

When I am running a PowerShell script normally it's working fine, issue is raising when calling the same script from batch file.当我正常运行 PowerShell 脚本时,它工作正常,从批处理文件调用相同的脚本时会出现问题。

Unt1.ps1 script: Unt1.ps1脚本:

$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $pass_win -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 
$linux_app_user, $pass
$Invoke-Command -ComputerName XXXXXXXX.XXXX.XXX.XXXX -Credential $cred -ErrorAction 
Stop -ScriptBlock {
      Invoke-Expression $path
} -Arg $path

cal.bat script: cal.bat脚本:

@echo off

SET PowerShellDir=C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
CD /D "%PowerShellDir%
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy  RemoteSigned -File 
  C:\Users\chaj\Documents\String\Unt1.ps1 'XXXX' 'XXXX@321' 'C:\cal.bat'


[xxxxxx.xx.xxxxx.xxx] Connecting to remote server xxxxxx.xx.xxxxx.xxx failed
with the following error message : The user name or password is incorrect.
For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At C:\Users\chafg\Documents\String\Unt1.ps1:7 char:1
+ $Result=Invoke-Command -ComputerName xxxxxx.xx.xxxxx.xxx -Credenti ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OpenError: (xxxxxx.xx.xxxxx.xxx) [], PSRemotingTransportException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : LogonFailure,PSSessionStateBroken

When using the PowerShell CLI with the -File parameter, all arguments are used verbatim - except if enclosed in "..." (double quotes): unlike when you use -Command , '...' (single quotes) are not recognized as string delimiters .当使用带有 -File 参数的PowerShell CLI -File ,所有 arguments 都将逐字使用 - 除非包含在"..." (双引号)中:与使用-Command时不同, '...' (单引号)无法识别作为字符串分隔符

Therefore, your command (simplified here):因此,您的命令(此处简化):

powershell.exe -File C:\path\to\Unt1.ps1 'XXXX' 'XXXX@321' 'C:\cal.bat'

causes the Unt1.ps1 script to see the arguments with the enclosing ' , which is not your intent;导致Unt1.ps1脚本看到带有封闭'的 arguments ,这不是您的意图; eg, instead of $args[0] receiving XXXX , as intended, it receives 'XXXX' , verbatim.例如,不是$args[0]按预期接收XXXX ,而是逐字接收'XXXX'

The fix is to use "..." (double quotes) :解决方法是使用"..." (双引号)

powershell.exe -File C:\path\to\Unt1.ps1 "XXXX" "XXXX@321" "C:\cal.bat"

Alternatively, given that your specific sample arguments don't require quoting (though the real ones may):或者,鉴于您的特定样本 arguments不需要引用(尽管真实的可能):

powershell.exe -File C:\path\to\Unt1.ps1 XXXX XXXX@321 C:\cal.bat

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