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从文件中读取 arrays

[英]Read arrays from file

I need to read points from 2 files (.txt or.xls) as an array, and combine them to run an algorithm that fits these points into an ellipse.我需要从 2 个文件(.txt 或 .xls)中读取点作为数组,并将它们组合起来以运行将这些点拟合成椭圆的算法。

From the first file of 5 columns I have to read the arrays X's of 5 elements:从 5 列的第一个文件中,我必须读取 5 个元素的 arrays X:

3586,02124  2391,50342  837,45227   -837,29681  -2385,9751
3587,69238  2387,48218  836,604     -840,75067  -2390,17529
3588,44531  2387,44556  836,00555   -840,79022  -2389,77612
3588,08203  2388,25439  836,26544   -840,17017  -2389,07544
3587,66553  2389,05566  836,53046   -839,53912  -2388,40405
3587,26636  2389,86255  836,79382   -838,91455  -2387,7168

From the second file of 5 columns I have to read the arrays Y's of 5 elements:从 5 列的第二个文件中,我必须读取 5 个元素的 arrays Y:

843,19598   2396,10278  3579,1377   4210,15674  4209,37549
841,9397    2397,21948  3573,11963  4205,89209  4226,73926
842,01642   2397,72266  3573,06494  4202,88379  4226,93799
842,22083   2397,47974  3574,27515  4204,19043  4223,8208
842,42065   2397,20142  3575,47437  4205,52246  4220,64795

Then I must create the variable pot:然后我必须创建变量 pot:

pot = (x, y) 

Which is the input data for calculation.这是计算的输入数据。 The first line of the first file (x(1)) corresponds to the first line of the second file (y(1)) .第一个文件的第一行(x(1))对应于第二个文件的第一行(y(1)) The algorithm takes x and y from these five points (3586,02124;843,19598), (2391,50342; 2396,10278),.... and fits the ellipse.该算法从这五个点(3586,02124;843,19598), (2391,50342; 2396,10278),....获取 x 和 y,并拟合椭圆。 So for each sets of point (or line) I will have an ellipse.所以对于每组点(或线)我都会有一个椭圆。

To sum it up, I am looking for a code to read these points and also which loop will be suitable to run the algorithm for each set of points.总而言之,我正在寻找一个代码来读取这些点,以及哪个循环适合为每组点运行算法。

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

Don't exactly know what you mean but:不完全明白你的意思,但是:

array = []
with open('test.txt', 'r') as file:
    for line in file:
        print(line.strip('\n').split('  '))

gives me this output:给我这个 output:

['3586,02124', '2391,50342', '837,45227', ' -837,29681', '-2385,9751']
['3587,69238', '2387,48218', '836,604', '', ' -840,75067', '-2390,17529']
['3588,44531', '2387,44556', '836,00555', ' -840,79022', '-2389,77612']
['3588,08203', '2388,25439', '836,26544', ' -840,17017', '-2389,07544']
['3587,66553', '2389,05566', '836,53046', ' -839,53912', '-2388,40405']
['3587,26636', '2389,86255', '836,79382', ' -838,91455', '-2387,7168']

I think you'll be able to make it further.我想你可以更进一步。 You might want to do another strip but that's your file that has an inconsistent spacing before the 4th column您可能想再做一条,但那是您的文件在第 4 列之前的间距不一致

Using Pandas使用 Pandas

import pandas as pd

# Files to read
files = ['f1.csv', 'f2.csv']

# Read each file and create a dataframe
# df[0] contains a dataframe for f1
# df[1] contains a dataframe for f2
df = []
for file in files:
    df.append(pd.read_csv(file, sep='\\s+', header=None))

print(f'Dataframe of f1\n{df[0]}\n')
print(f'Dataframe of f2\n{df[1]}\n')

# Get the number of rows from df[0]
# df[1] must be of the same dimension (rows x columns)
nrows = df[0].shape[0]
ncols = df[0].shape[1]

for row in range(nrows):
    print(f'\nrow {row}')
    for col in range(ncols):
        print(f'col {col} of f1 and f2')
        col_f1 = df[0].iloc[row, col].split(',')
        col_f2 = df[1].iloc[row, col].split(',')
        print(f'{col_f1}, {col_f2}')
        # Here you have (3586,02124;843,19598)....
        # In this format: col_f1, col_f2 = [3586, 02124], [843, 19598]...
        # Don't forget to convert to float() the numbers
        # Ex. pt_x = float(col_f1[0])

Which Yields:哪个产生:

Dataframe of f1
            0           1          2           3            4
0  3586,02124  2391,50342  837,45227  -837,29681   -2385,9751
1  3587,69238  2387,48218    836,604  -840,75067  -2390,17529
2  3588,44531  2387,44556  836,00555  -840,79022  -2389,77612
3  3588,08203  2388,25439  836,26544  -840,17017  -2389,07544
4  3587,66553  2389,05566  836,53046  -839,53912  -2388,40405

Dataframe of f2
           0           1           2           3           4
0  843,19598  2396,10278   3579,1377  4210,15674  4209,37549
1   841,9397  2397,21948  3573,11963  4205,89209  4226,73926
2  842,01642  2397,72266  3573,06494  4202,88379  4226,93799
3  842,22083  2397,47974  3574,27515  4204,19043   4223,8208
4  842,42065  2397,20142  3575,47437  4205,52246  4220,64795

row 0
col 0 of f1 and f2
['3586', '02124'], ['843', '19598']
col 1 of f1 and f2
['2391', '50342'], ['2396', '10278']
col 2 of f1 and f2
['837', '45227'], ['3579', '1377']
col 3 of f1 and f2
['-837', '29681'], ['4210', '15674']
col 4 of f1 and f2
['-2385', '9751'], ['4209', '37549']

row 1
col 0 of f1 and f2
['3587', '69238'], ['841', '9397']
col 1 of f1 and f2
['2387', '48218'], ['2397', '21948']
col 2 of f1 and f2
['836', '604'], ['3573', '11963']
col 3 of f1 and f2
['-840', '75067'], ['4205', '89209']
col 4 of f1 and f2
['-2390', '17529'], ['4226', '73926']

row 2
col 0 of f1 and f2
['3588', '44531'], ['842', '01642']
col 1 of f1 and f2
['2387', '44556'], ['2397', '72266']
col 2 of f1 and f2
['836', '00555'], ['3573', '06494']
col 3 of f1 and f2
['-840', '79022'], ['4202', '88379']
col 4 of f1 and f2
['-2389', '77612'], ['4226', '93799']

row 3
col 0 of f1 and f2
['3588', '08203'], ['842', '22083']
col 1 of f1 and f2
['2388', '25439'], ['2397', '47974']
col 2 of f1 and f2
['836', '26544'], ['3574', '27515']
col 3 of f1 and f2
['-840', '17017'], ['4204', '19043']
col 4 of f1 and f2
['-2389', '07544'], ['4223', '8208']

row 4
col 0 of f1 and f2
['3587', '66553'], ['842', '42065']
col 1 of f1 and f2
['2389', '05566'], ['2397', '20142']
col 2 of f1 and f2
['836', '53046'], ['3575', '47437']
col 3 of f1 and f2
['-839', '53912'], ['4205', '52246']
col 4 of f1 and f2
['-2388', '40405'], ['4220', '64795']

You can continue from there, now (x,y) pairs are easily accessible.您可以从那里继续,现在 (x,y) 对很容易访问。 I don't know what do you want to do with pot = (x,y) so I can't help further.我不知道你想用 pot = (x,y) 做什么,所以我无法提供进一步的帮助。

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