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在 Angular 中将数组从父组件传递到子组件

[英]Pass array from parent to child component in Angular

I'm using the ng2-chart library and I want to pass the information of a parent component to the child comonent.我正在使用 ng2-chart 库,我想将父组件的信息传递给子组件。 I get the information from an API that provides me with the data.我从为我提供数据的 API 获得信息。 But it is not loading the information:但它没有加载信息:

export class PruebasComponent implements OnInit {

  lineChartData: ChartDataSets[];
  lineChartLabels: Label[];

In the ngOnInit I get the datangOnInit我得到数据

ngOnInit() {
    this.loading = true;

      res => {
        this.loading = false;
        this.data = [res];
        this.dataSource = this.data[0];
        this.barChartData = true;

and through the getFilter () function I can modify the data I want to send:并通过getFilter () function 可以修改我要发送的数据:

  getFilter(data) {

     data.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id);
    for (let entry of data) {
      this.date.push(moment(entry.created).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'))
      this.time.push(entry.total_load_time * 0.001)

    this.lineChartData =  [{ data: this.time, label: 'Time Render' }]  /* [ { data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40], label: 'Series A' }] */;

    this.lineChartLabels = this.date;

    this.loading = false

[datasets] sends the empty data [datasets]发送空数据

 <app-graphic [datasets]="lineChartData" [labels]="lineChartLabels"></app-graphic>

The problem is that you are passing the data to the child component before you receive the data and finish of transform it.问题是您在接收数据并完成转换之前将数据传递给子组件。

You should use *ngIf in the <app-graphic> until you finish getting the data and transform it:您应该在<app-graphic>中使用*ngIf ,直到您完成获取数据并对其进行转换:

 <app-graphic [datasets]="lineChartData" [labels]="lineChartLabels" *ngIf="lineChartData && lineChartLabels"></app-graphic>

I think with the *ngIf the should work.我认为使用*ngIf应该可以工作。

With some external components, it important to never send null when they are expecting a list.对于一些外部组件,重要的是不要在他们期待一个列表时发送 null。

So try:所以试试:

lineChartData: ChartDataSets[] = [];
lineChartLabels: Label[] = [];

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