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如何在 NodeJS 中将子域添加到 URL 字符串

[英]How to add a subdomain to a URL string in NodeJS

I want to add a subdomain to a URL string in NodeJS, specificaly www .我想在 NodeJS 中的 URL 字符串中添加一个子域,特别是www but only if the URL doesn't already have a one.但前提是 URL 还没有一个。

Examples of inputs:输入示例:

# changes

# doesn't change

Their outputs:他们的输出:

# changes

# doesn't change

There may be more eloquent ways to do it, but the following should accomplish what you want.可能有更多的 eloquent 方法可以做到这一点,但以下应该完成你想要的。 Essentially, you can check to see if there's only one .本质上,您可以检查是否只有一个. in the URL.在 URL 中。 If there is only one, then you're in need of a subdomain.如果只有一个,那么您需要一个子域。

 function formatUrl(url) { if((url.match(/\./g) || []).length > 1) { return url; } return url.replace('//', '//www.'); } console.log(formatUrl('https://developers.facebook.com/')) console.log(formatUrl('https://facebook.com/')) console.log(formatUrl('https://www.facebook.com/'));

You can do it by finding number of dots in URL, if they are more than 1 then www can be applied.您可以通过查找 URL 中的点数来做到这一点,如果它们大于 1,则可以应用www

 let url = "https://facebook.com/"; url = getURL(url); console.log(url); console.log(getURL("sbc.someurl.com/sometopic/hello.world")); function getURL(url){ url = url.split("//"); let isHttps = url.length > 1? url[0]: false; if(url && url.length > 1){ url = url[1]; // someurl.com/sometopic/hello.world } else{ url = url[0]; } let a = url.split("/"); let u = a[0]; // someurl.com let arr = u.split("."); if(arr.length > 2){ console.log("No need for www"); } else{ a[0] = "www." + a[0]; } if(isHttps){ return isHttps + "//" + a.join("/"); } else{ return a.join("/"); } }

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