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[英]How to give range in positive look behind in regex

import re
re.findall(r'(?i)(?<=\b[a-z]{4})\d+', 'abcd1234  EFGHI4567')

My Out我的出局


I need to give range of {4,5} if i am giving re.findall(r'(?i)(?<=\b[az]{4,5})\d+', 'abcd1234 EFGHI4567') so that out will be ['1234','4567'] I am getting error of look behind error.如果我给出re.findall(r'(?i)(?<=\b[az]{4,5})\d+', 'abcd1234 EFGHI4567')所以我需要给出 {4,5} 的范围那将是['1234','4567']我收到后视错误的错误。

How to overcome the situation如何克服这种情况

I don't think Python supports variable width lookbehinds (to my knowledge, only C# does support it).我不认为 Python 支持可变宽度后视(据我所知,只有 C# 支持它)。 I would rephrase your regex search without lookbehinds as:我会将您的正则表达式搜索改写为:

inp = "abcd1234 bla123 EFGHI4567"
matches = re.findall(r'\b[A-Za-z]{4,5}(\d+)\b', inp)

This prints:这打印:

['1234', '4567']

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