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从 SQL 表填充 DataGridView 数据并从不同的 Z9778840A067410C5A9DZ ComboBox 表填充 GridView ComboBox

[英]Fill DataGridView data from SQL table and populate a GridView ComboBox from a different SQL Server table

I have a DataGridView on a form that get it records from SQL Server table, I have a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn in the DataGridView that populates its data from a different SQL Server table.我在表单上有一个DataGridView ,它从 SQL 服务器表中获取记录,我在DataGridView中有一个DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ,它从不同的 SQL 服务器表中填充其数据。 Now I want to use the record from table2(ComboBox table) to fill table 1. Its a Windows Application现在我想使用表 2 table2(ComboBox table)中的记录来填充表 1。它是 Windows 应用程序

//to fill the grid
private void gridViewFillAddress()
    //dataGridViewCashbook.DataSource = EmployeeDataAccessLayer.GetAllEmployees();
    SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source = HP\SQL; Initial Catalog = Simpca; Integrated Security = True");
    SqlCommand cmdDataBase = new SqlCommand(Query, myConnection);
    SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();
    sda.SelectCommand = cmdDataBase;
    DataTable dbdataset = new DataTable();
    BindingSource bSource = new BindingSource();
    bSource.DataSource = dbdataset;
    dgvAdressBook.DataSource = dbdataset;
    dgvAdressBook.Columns["DateAddress"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd";
//to fill the combo
void fillBANKERS()
    SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source = HP\SQL; Initial Catalog = Simpca; Integrated Security = True");
    String Query = "SELECT * FROM BANKLIST;";
    SqlCommand cmdDataBase = new SqlCommand(Query, myConnection);
    SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();
    sda.SelectCommand = cmdDataBase;
    DataTable dbdataset = new DataTable();
    BANK.ValueMember = "BANKLISTNAME";
    BANK.DisplayMember = "BANKLISTNAME";
    DataRow topItem = dbdataset.NewRow();
    topItem[0] = "0";
    topItem[1] = "";
    dbdataset.Rows.InsertAt(topItem, 0);
    BANK.DataSource = dbdataset;

This is my code这是我的代码

private void dgvAdressBook_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    //to insert and modify           
     if (dgvAdressBook.CurrentRow != null)
         SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Sourc = HP\SQL; Initial Catalog = Simpca; Integrated Security = True");
         DataGridViewRow dgvRow = dgvAdressBook.CurrentRow;
         SqlCommand cmdDataBase = new SqlCommand("EditAddAddressBook", myConnection);
         cmdDataBase.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
         if (dgvRow.Cells["id"].Value == DBNull.Value)
             cmdDataBase.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", 0);
             cmdDataBase.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", Convert.ToInt32(dgvRow.Cells["id"].Value));
         cmdDataBase.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", dgvRow.Cells["NAME"].Value == DBNull.Value ? "": dgvRow.Cells["NAME"].Value.ToString());
         cmdDataBase.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ACCTNUMBERPAYEE", dgvRow.Cells["ACCTNUMBER"].Value == DBNull.Value ? "0" : dgvRow.Cells["ACCTNUMBER"].Value.ToString());                 
         //The Combo Box 
         cmdDataBase.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BANKERS", dgvRow.Cells["BANKERS"].Value == DBNull.Value ?  "" : dgvRow.Cells["BANKERS"].Value.ToString());
         cmdDataBase.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SORTCODE", Convert.ToInt32(dgvRow.Cells["SORT"].Value == DBNull.Value ? "0" : dgvRow.Cells["SORT"].Value));

I expect the combobox column to fill the existing records in table1 for bankers but it return blank until I select the drop down.我希望 combobox 列可以为银行家填充 table1 中的现有记录,但它返回空白,直到我 select 下拉。

use Itemdatabound event like below使用 Itemdatabound 事件,如下所示

protected void dgvAdressBook_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e)
       foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv_ClientDetail.Rows)
          DataGridViewComboBoxCell BankersCombo = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)(row.Cells[index of BankersCombo column]);

          BankersCombo.DataSource = // your contacts datasource;
          BankersCombo.DisplayMember = "name of field to be displayed like say ContactName";
          BankersCombo.ValueMember = "Id";

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