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提取行名的一部分以在 R 的数据框中创建一个新列

[英]Extracting parts of a row name to make a new column in a data frame in R

I have a data frame in R called cryptdeltact that contains sample information as follows我在 R 中有一个名为 cryptdeltact 的数据框,其中包含如下示例信息

# A tibble: 2,293 x 7
# Groups:   Name [72]
   Name          Detector      N   Value    sd    se    ci
   <fct>         <fct>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 VG 2H 1 SB1 C ATM           6 11.4    0.653 0.267 0.686
 2 VG 2H 1 SB1 C BetaActin     6  0.0199 0.588 0.240 0.617
 3 VG 2H 1 SB1 C BMPR1a        6  6.49   0.591 0.241 0.620
 4 VG 2H 1 SB1 C BMPR2         6  7.19   0.614 0.251 0.645
 5 VG 2H 1 SB1 C Brca1         6 11.5    0.640 0.261 0.672
 6 VG 2H 1 SB1 C Brca2         6 11.9    0.840 0.343 0.882
 7 VG 2H 1 SB1 C cmyc          6  8.20   0.580 0.237 0.608
 8 VG 2H 1 SB1 C DNAPKCs       6 11.5    0.651 0.266 0.683
 9 VG 2H 1 SB1 C Ercc1         6 11.4    0.783 0.320 0.822
10 VG 2H 1 SB1 C Fen1          6  9.05   0.629 0.257 0.660
# … with 2,283 more rows

I want to add three new columns to this data frame: Model, Time and Region.我想在此数据框中添加三个新列:Model、时间和区域。 All of the info for these new columns is contained somewhere in the existing 'Name' column.这些新列的所有信息都包含在现有的“名称”列中。 Time is the second piece of information in 'Name' ie.时间是“名称”中的第二条信息,即。 '0h', '2h' or '5h'. “0h”、“2h”或“5h”。 Region is the second last ie 'SB1', 'SB2', 'SB3' or 'SB4'.区域是倒数第二个,即“SB1”、“SB2”、“SB3”或“SB4”。 But Model is a combination of the first two letters and the last letter ie.但是 Model 是前两个字母和最后一个字母 ie 的组合。 'VG C' or 'VG V' or 'WT C' or 'WT V'. “VG C”或“VG V”或“WT C”或“WT V”。 I know the answer lies in extracting the appropriate info from the Name string and putting it into a new column but I am struggling with the syntax.我知道答案在于从 Name 字符串中提取适当的信息并将其放入一个新列中,但我正在努力解决语法问题。

The final table columns would ideally look like this (once extracted I can change 'VG V' to 'VG Villus' and remove the Name column entirely)最终表格列理想情况下看起来像这样(一旦提取,我可以将“VG V”更改为“VG Villus”并完全删除名称列)

   Model      Time Region Detector     N     sd     se    ci
   <chr>     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
 1 VG Villus     0 SB1    Fen1         1 NA     NA     NA   
 2 VG Villus     0 SB1    Lig3         1 NA     NA     NA   
 3 VG Villus     0 SB1    PARP1        1 NA     NA     NA   
 4 VG Villus     0 SB1    PolTheta     1 NA     NA     NA   
 5 VG Villus     0 SB1    WRN          1 NA     NA     NA   
 6 VG Villus     2 SB1    Fen1         3  1.22   0.706  3.04
 7 VG Villus     2 SB1    Lig3         3  2.11   1.22   5.25
 8 VG Villus     2 SB1    Mre11a       3  0.601  0.347  1.49
 9 VG Villus     2 SB1    PARP1        3  1.94   1.12   4.82
10 VG Villus     2 SB1    PolTheta     3  2.74   1.58   6.82

Apologies for the base question but I'm sure this could take up far less time than it currently is!为基本问题道歉,但我相信这可能会比目前花费的时间少得多!

We can use tidyr extract with appropriate regex and then unite the column我们可以使用tidyr extract和适当的regex ,然后unite


extract(df, Name, into = c("Model", "Time", "Region", "temp"), 
           regex = "(.*)(\\d)H.*(SB\\d).*([A-Z])$") %>%
unite(Model, Model, temp, sep = "")

#   Model Time Region  Detector N   Value    sd    se    ci
#1   VG C    2    SB1       ATM 6 11.4000 0.653 0.267 0.686
#2   VG C    2    SB1 BetaActin 6  0.0199 0.588 0.240 0.617
#3   VG C    2    SB1    BMPR1a 6  6.4900 0.591 0.241 0.620
#4   VG C    2    SB1     BMPR2 6  7.1900 0.614 0.251 0.645
#5   VG C    2    SB1     Brca1 6 11.5000 0.640 0.261 0.672
#6   VG C    2    SB1     Brca2 6 11.9000 0.840 0.343 0.882
#7   VG C    2    SB1      cmyc 6  8.2000 0.580 0.237 0.608
#8   VG C    2    SB1   DNAPKCs 6 11.5000 0.651 0.266 0.683
#9   VG C    2    SB1     Ercc1 6 11.4000 0.783 0.320 0.822
#10  VG C    2    SB1      Fen1 6  9.0500 0.629 0.257 0.660


df <- structure(list(Name = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "VG 2H 1 SB1 C", class = "factor"), Detector = 
structure(1:10, .Label = c("ATM", "BetaActin", "BMPR1a", "BMPR2", "Brca1", "Brca2", 
"cmyc", "DNAPKCs", "Ercc1", "Fen1"), class = "factor"), N = c(6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 
6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L), Value = c(11.4, 0.0199, 6.49, 7.19, 11.5, 
11.9, 8.2, 11.5, 11.4, 9.05), sd = c(0.653, 0.588, 0.591, 0.614, 
0.64, 0.84, 0.58, 0.651, 0.783, 0.629), se = c(0.267, 0.24, 0.241, 
0.251, 0.261, 0.343, 0.237, 0.266, 0.32, 0.257), ci = c(0.686, 
0.617, 0.62, 0.645, 0.672, 0.882, 0.608, 0.683, 0.822, 0.66)), 
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L))

This should work, and it just uses base R.这应该可以工作,它只使用基础 R。 Also, I am going to give you a bonus , and provide you with a numerical time variable (I think this is what you want?).另外,我会给你一个奖金,并为你提供一个数字时间变量(我认为这就是你想要的?)。

(assuming your data frame is called data ) (假设您的数据框称为data

#string split to create a list of all names
split_col = strsplit(as.character(data$Name), " ")

#create the lists for each new variable
time_var = c()
region_var = c()
model_var = c()

#create a counter for the for loop
i = 1

#go through all the name strings
for (s in split_col){

  #add to the lists
  time_var[[i]] = s[2]
  region_var[[i]] = s[4]
  model_var[[i]] = paste(s[1], s[5])

  #add to the counter
  i = i + 1

#add these lists to the dataset
data$model = model_var
data$region = region_var
data$time = time_var

#make the time variable numeric
data$time_numeric = ifelse(data$time == '2H', 2, ifelse(data$time == '5H', 5, ifelse(data$time == '0H', 0, NA)))

Hope that works!希望有效!

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