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我的 mongodb 聚合查询花费了太多时间。 我怎样才能提高性能?

[英]My mongodb aggregation query is taking too much time. How can I enhance the performance?

I'm joining two collection using aggregation and using "output" to generate a new collection with the joined data, but it's taking too much time(never ends).我正在使用聚合加入两个集合,并使用“输出”来生成一个包含加入数据的新集合,但这需要太多时间(永远不会结束)。 How can I enhance the performance?我怎样才能提高性能? The collection A has 260k documents and collection B has 17.2m.集合 A 有 260k 文档,集合 B 有 17.2m。

I have already tested the same script with different data sets and it works fine.我已经用不同的数据集测试了相同的脚本,它工作正常。 At first glance, issue seems to be related with the size of collections.乍一看,问题似乎与 collections 的大小有关。

        $match : { property_X: "X" }
    {   "$lookup":
            from: "collection_B",
            localField: "property_A",
            foreignField: "property_B",
            as: "joined_data"
    {   $unwind:
            path: "$joined_data",
            preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
    {   $project: 
            "_id": 0,
            "joined_data": 1
    {   $replaceRoot: 
            { newRoot: "$joined_data" } 
    //{ $limit : 1 }
    { $out: "new_collection"}

Expected result is creation of the collection "new_collection" containing data filtered in the "match" and "lookup" conditions.预期结果是创建包含在“匹配”和“查找”条件中过滤的数据的集合“new_collection”。

The aggregation query was working fine, the problem was related with indexing in Mongo.聚合查询工作正常,问题与 Mongo 中的索引有关。 After creation of the index, the query performed much better.创建索引后,查询执行得更好。 Index was created with:索引是通过以下方式创建的:

db.collection_B.createIndex( { property_B: 1 } );  

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