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React Native - 如何使 ScrollView 中的 KeyboardAvoidingView 适用于所有设备?

[英]React Native - How to make KeyboardAvoidingView inside a ScrollView work for all devices?


I am building a chat UI in react native and am having an issue with using KeyboardAvoidingView inside of a ScrollView.我正在构建一个反应原生的聊天 UI,并且在 ScrollView 中使用 KeyboardAvoidingView 时遇到问题。 When selecting the TextInput the height between the input field and keyboard seems to vary based on the device I am using.选择 TextInput 时,输入字段和键盘之间的高度似乎因我使用的设备而异。 How do I standardize this so that it works equally for all devices?我如何对其进行标准化,以便它对所有设备同样适用?

import React from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, View, Text, TextInput, ScrollView, KeyboardAvoidingView, Platform } from 'react-native'
import Message from './message'

export default class Messages extends React.Component {
  static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerTitle: 'Messages',
    headerStyle: {
      backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
    headerTitleStyle: {
      fontSize: 20,
      color: 'rgb(255,255,255)'
    headerTintColor: 'rgb(0,122,255)',

  state = {
    messages: [
        message: 'yeah its not working',
        userId: 1,
        userName: 'Client'
        message: 'what isnt working...',
        userId: 2,
        userName: 'Sean'
        message: 'it, all of it',
        userId: 1,
        userName: 'Client'
        message: 'were on it',
        userId: 3,
        userName: 'Matt'
        message: 'fjdklsajfklsdjafkdjslkafjkdsjal;fdks;lajfdklsjldjskfja;sfjasdfjasdjlkfaj',
        userId: 3,
        userName: 'Matt'
        message: 'great!',
        userId: 1,
        userName: 'Client'
        message: 'blah',
        userId: 1,
        userName: 'Client'
        message: 'derp',
        userId: 2,
        userName: 'Sean'
        message: 'merh!',
        userId: 2,
        userName: 'Sean'
        message: 'help pls',
        userId: 2,
        userName: 'Sean'

  renderMessages = (messages) => {
    return messages.map((data, i) => <Message data={data} key={i}/>)

  render() {
    return (
        ref={ref => this.scrollView = ref}
        onContentSizeChange={(contentWidth, contentHeight)=> {this.scrollView.scrollToEnd({animated: true})}}
          behavior={Platform.OS == 'ios' ? "position" : null}
              <View style={styles.textBox}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        //flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)'
    textInput: {
        color: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
        fontSize: 18,
    textBox: {
      borderColor: '#242F39',
      borderWidth: 2,
      borderRadius: 2, 
      padding: 10,
      paddingLeft: 16,
      marginTop: 10,
      backgroundColor: '#0A151F'

I ended up putting the ScrollView inside of the KeyboardAvoidingView, and then also using padding instead of position for behavior.我最终将 ScrollView 放在 KeyboardAvoidingView 中,然后还使用填充而不是 position 来进行行为。 I also then added keyboard listeners to modify padding below my view based on the size of the keyboard.然后,我还添加了键盘侦听器,以根据键盘的大小修改视图下方的填充。

import React from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, View, Text, TextInput, ScrollView, KeyboardAvoidingView, Platform, NativeModules, Dimensions, SafeAreaView, Keyboard, Animated } from 'react-native'
import Message from './message'

const { StatusBarManager } = NativeModules

const screen = Dimensions.get('window')

export default class Messages extends React.Component {
  static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerTitle: 'Messages',
    headerStyle: {
      backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
    headerTitleStyle: {
      fontSize: 20,
      color: 'rgb(255,255,255)'
    headerTintColor: 'rgb(0,122,255)',

  state = {
    messages: [],
    keyboardPadding: new Animated.Value(0)

  componentDidMount = () => {
    Platform.OS == 'ios' ? StatusBarManager.getHeight((statusBarFrameData) => {
      this.setState({statusBarHeight: statusBarFrameData.height})
    }) : null 
    this.keyboardWillShowListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardWillShow', this.keyboardWillShow)
    this.keyboardWillHideListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardWillHide', this.keyboardWillHide)

  componentWillUnmount = () => {

  keyboardWillShow = (e) => {
    Animated.timing(this.state.keyboardPadding, { toValue: 1, duration: 0}).start()

  keyboardWillHide = () => {
    Animated.timing(this.state.keyboardPadding, { toValue: 0, duration: 0 }).start()

  scrollStyles = (keyboardPadding) => {
    return { paddingBottom: keyboardPadding }

  renderMessages = (messages) => {
    return messages.map((data, i) => <Message data={data} key={i}/>)

  addMessage = (message) => {
    let messageObj = {
      message: message,
      userId: 2,
      userName: 'Sean'
    this.setState({messages: [...this.state.messages, messageObj]})

  render() {
    return (
      <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
            behavior={Platform.OS == 'ios' ? 'padding' : null}
            keyboardVerticalOffset={this.state.statusBarHeight + 44}
              ref={ref => this.scrollView = ref}
              onContentSizeChange={(contentWidth, contentHeight)=> {this.scrollView.scrollToEnd({animated: true})}}
              <Animated.View style={this.scrollStyles(this.state.keyboardPadding)}>
            <View style={styles.textBox}>
                onSubmitEditing={(e)=> this.addMessage(e.nativeEvent.text)}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
      flex: 1,
      backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)'
    keyboardContainer: {
      flex: 1,
      backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)'
    textInput: {
      color: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
      fontSize: 18,
    textBox: {
      borderColor: '#242F39',
      borderWidth: 1,
      borderRadius: 2, 
      padding: 10,
      paddingLeft: 16,
      backgroundColor: '#0A151F',

Try this:尝试这个:

const screen = Dimensions.get('window');

   behavior={Platform.OS === "ios" ? "height" : null}
   keyboardVerticalOffset={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? screen.height * 0.25 : screen.height * 0.5}
   style={{ flex: 1 }}

Also if you have trouble with the keyboard animations (i had a lot of issues with that).另外,如果您在键盘动画方面遇到问题(我对此有很多问题)。 You can remove them here like this:您可以像这样在此处删除它们:


there uncomment this part取消注释这部分

   if (duration && easing) {
        // We have to pass the duration equal to minimal accepted duration defined here: RCTLayoutAnimation.m
        duration: duration > 10 ? duration : 10,
        update: {
          duration: duration > 10 ? duration : 10,
          type: LayoutAnimation.Types[easing] || 'keyboard',

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