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有没有办法通过道具传递动作? 使用 react-redux 制作可重复使用的组件

[英]There is a way to pass a action via props? To make re-usable components with react-redux

I would like to make a component that loads actions and states dynamically so that I can reuse it in other parts of the code.我想制作一个动态加载动作和状态的组件,以便我可以在代码的其他部分重用它。

I'm trying this way but the action is firing before sending to component:我正在尝试这种方式,但该操作在发送到组件之前触发:

function ClientsHeader(props) {
    const action = Actions.searchClients();
    return (
        <SearchHeader data={data} campoPesquisa={campoPesquisa} action={action}/>
export default ClientsHeader;

On children:关于儿童:

function SearchHeader(props) {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const action = props.action;

  <div className="flex flex-1 w-full items-center justify-between">
      onChange={event => dispatch(action(event))}

There is a way to call a function name with variables?有没有办法用变量调用 function 名称? Because that would solve this.因为那会解决这个问题。

Please don't be rude to my stupidity, I'm new to this:D请不要对我的愚蠢无礼,我是新手:D

The error is from the line const action = Actions.searchClients();错误来自const action = Actions.searchClients();

This actually calls the function searchClients .这实际上调用了 function searchClients

It should rather be const action = () => Actions.searchClients();它应该是const action = () => Actions.searchClients();

It's because you are calling Actions.searchClients in ClientsHeader component, you just need to pass the reference as这是因为您在 ClientsHeader 组件中调用 Actions.searchClients,您只需将引用传递为

const action = Actions.searchClients;

Note: I think you should import the action in the component directly,注意:我认为你应该直接在组件中导入动作,

Hope it helps希望能帮助到你

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