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用 Chart.js 更改测量单位的颜色

[英]Change color of measure unit with Chart.js

I'm using Chart.js to create a bar chart.我正在使用 Chart.js 创建条形图。 Behind the cart there is a dark green background so it's hard to see the numbers in black that are displayed on y and x axys.购物车后面是深绿色背景,因此很难看到 y 和 x 轴上显示的黑色数字。

This is how I generate my chart:这就是我生成图表的方式:

document.getElementsByClassName("home-message")[0].innerHTML='<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>'
var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'bar',
color: 'white',
    data: {
        labels: ['Bar', 'Mensa', 'Ingresso'],
        datasets: [{
            label: 'Prodotti venduti',
            borderColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255)',
            data: [551, 1470, 2354],
            backgroundColor: [
                'rgba(255, 99, 132)',
                'rgba(54, 162, 235)',
                'rgba(255, 206, 86)'
            borderWidth: 1
    options: {
        scales: {yAxes: [{ticks: {beginAtZero: true}}]},
        legend: {display: false, labels: {fontColor: 'white'}},
        title: {display: true,text: 'Custom Chart Title'}

I checked the Chart.js page on how to customize the chart but I haven't find anything to change the color of these numbers.我查看了有关如何自定义图表的Chart.js 页面,但我没有找到任何可以更改这些数字颜色的东西。 Check this image if you don't know what numbers I am talking about如果您不知道我在说什么数字,请查看此图片

Is there a way to change the color of these numbers to white?有没有办法将这些数字的颜色更改为白色?

try this尝试这个

options: {
   scales: {
          yAxes: [{gridLines: { color: "#ffffff" },
                   scaleLabel: {
                            display: true,

You can change the color of multiple parts of the chart:您可以更改图表多个部分的颜色:

GridLines (the vertical or horizontal lines in the chart): GridLines(图表中的垂直或水平线):

gridLines: { 
  color: '#5555ff'

Ticks (the numbers you speak of):蜱(你说的数字):

ticks: {
  fontColor: '#5555ff'

ScaleLabels (Name of the axis and its values): ScaleLabels(轴名称及其值):

scaleLabel: {
  fontColor: '#5555ff'

These are all options you can specify at the options of an axis.这些都是您可以在轴的选项中指定的所有选项。

options: {
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{
      // You insert the above code here

Edit: Here is a picture of the options I described with the code I used:编辑:这是我用我使用的代码描述的选项的图片:


xAxes: [{
  ticks: {
    fontColor: 'red'
  gridLines: {
    color: 'blue'
  scaleLabel: {
    display: true,
    labelString: 'Employee',
    fontSize: 20.0,
    fontColor: 'green'

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