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[英]How to filter database table by a multiple join records from another one table but different types?

I have a products table and corresponding ratings table which contains a foreign key product_id , grade(int) and type which is an enum accepting values robustness and price_quality_ratio我有一个products表和相应的ratings表,其中包含一个外键product_idgrade(int)type ,它是一个接受值的枚举, robustnessprice_quality_ratio

The grades accept values from 1 to 10. So for example, how would the query look like, if I wanted to filter the products where minimum grade for robustness would be 7 and minimum grade for price_quality_ratio would be 8?等级接受从 1 到 10 的值。例如,如果我想过滤robustness最低等级为 7 且price_quality_ratio最低等级为 8 的产品,查询会是什么样子?

You can join twice, once per rating.您可以加入两次,每次评分一次。 The inner join s eliminate the products that fail any rating criteria, inner join消除了不符合任何评级标准的产品,

select p.*
from products p
inner join rating r1 
    on r1.product_id = p.product_id
    and r1.type = 'robustness'
    and r1.rating >= 7
inner join rating r2 
    on r2.product_id = p.product_id
    and r2.type = 'price_quality_ratio'
    and r2.rating >= 8

Another option is to use do conditional aggregation.另一种选择是使用做条件聚合。 This requires only one join , then a group by ;这只需要一个join ,然后一个group by the rating criteria are checked in the having clause. having have子句中检查评级标准。

select p.product_id, p.product_name
from products p
inner join rating r 
    on r.product_id = p.product_id
    and r.type in ('robustness', 'price_quality_ratio')
group by p.product_id, p.product_name
    min(case when r.type = 'robustness' then r.rating end) >= 7
    and min(case when r.type = 'price_quality_ratio then r.rating end) >= 8

The JOIN proposed by @GMB would've been my first suggestion as well. @GMB 提出的JOIN也是我的第一个建议。 If that gets too complicated with having to maintain too many rX.rating s, you can also use a nested query:如果由于必须维护太多rX.rating而变得过于复杂,您还可以使用嵌套查询:

  SELECT p.*, r1.rating as robustness, r2.rating as price_quality_ratio
  FROM products p
  JOIN rating r1 ON (r1.product_id = p.product_id AND r1.type = 'robustness')
  JOIN rating r2 ON (r2.product_id = p.product_id AND r2.type = 'price_quality_ratio')
) AS tmp
WHERE robustness >= 7
  AND price_quality_ratio >= 8
-- ORDER BY (price_quality_ratio DESC, robustness DESC) -- etc


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