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[英]Data Cleaning (Addresses) Python

I'm looking to clean a dataset with 61k rows.我正在寻找清理具有 61k 行的数据集。 I need to clean its street address column.我需要清理它的街道地址栏。 Presently, the addresses are a nightmare.目前,这些地址是一场噩梦。 Sometimes full addresses are written out (ie 111 Frederick Douglass Blvd) other times the same address will be written in short hand (ie 111 8th Ave/ 111 8th Avenue).有时会写出完整的地址(即 111 Frederick Douglass Blvd),有时会以简写形式写出相同的地址(即 111 8th Ave/111 8th Avenue)。

I'm a newer pandas/python user so i'm not sure how to tackle such massive cleaning needs.我是新的 pandas/python 用户,所以我不确定如何解决如此庞大的清洁需求。 Before I've used.replace() but that seems to be the completely wrong approach.在我使用 .replace() 之前,但这似乎是完全错误的方法。 Would appreciate any of your insights.将不胜感激您的任何见解。

Edit: Essentially I'm looking to standardize addresses.编辑:本质上我正在寻找标准化地址。 Addresses were inputed either incorrectly or in multiple different formats.地址输入错误或以多种不同格式输入。 Long term goal is to map all of these addresses but in the data's present form that's not possible长期目标是 map 所有这些地址,但以数据的当前形式这是不可能的

Dataset: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Evictions/6z8x-wfk4数据集: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Evictions/6z8x-wfk4

I've used this function to standardize addresses (and put the street type in shortened form, consistent with Google's formatting).我已使用此 function 来标准化地址(并将街道类型缩短为与 Google 的格式一致)。 Apologies for the code dump, but the regex is full of interesting things to consider.为代码转储道歉,但正则表达式充满了有趣的事情要考虑。

I've also added digits for when Avenues are called by their ordinal:我还添加了当 Avenues 被它们的序号调用时的数字:

def shorten_rd(address):
    '''Completes the road type. I.e. Rd becomes Road, st becomes Street as per Google etc.'''
    address = address.title()
    address = re.sub(r" Street(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' St', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Road(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Rd', address)
    address = re.sub(r"(?<!The) Avenue(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Ave', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Close(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Cl', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Court(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Ct', address)
    address = re.sub(r"(?<!The) Crescent(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Cres', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Boulevarde?(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Blvd', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Drive(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Dr', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Lane(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Ln', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Place(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Pl', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Square(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Sq', address)
    address = re.sub(r"(?<!The) Parade(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Pde', address)
    address = re.sub(r" Circuit(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", ' Cct', address)
    return address

def lengthen_rd(address):
    address = address.title()
    address = re.sub(r" St(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Street", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Rd(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Road", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Ave(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Avenue", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Cl(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Close", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Ct(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Court", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Cres(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Crescent", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Blvd(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Boulevard", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Dr(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Drive", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Ln(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Lane", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Pl(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Place", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Sq(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Square", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Pde(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Parade", address)
    address = re.sub(r" Cct(?=$| [NE(So|S$)(We|W$)])", " Circuit", address)
    return address

def standard_addr(address):
    '''Checks for unit numbers and street addresses and puts them in the standard format''' 
    #print("### Address: ", address)
    unit_nums = re.findall(r"(?<=Unit )\w?\d+\w?|(?<=U)\d+\w?|\w?\d+\w?(?=\s*/)", address)
    unit_num = unit_nums[0] if len(unit_nums)==1 else ""
    #print("Unit Number: ", unit_num)
    proc_addr = re.sub(r"Unit \w?\d+\w?/?|U\d+\w?/?|\w?\d+\w?\s*/", "", address)
    proc_addr = re.sub(r"^[,\- ]+|[,\- ]+$", "", proc_addr)
    #print("Unitless address: ", proc_addr)
    type_opts = r"Terrace|Way|Walk|St|Rd|Ave|Cl|Ct|Cres|Blvd|Dr|Ln|Pl|Sq|Pde|Cct"
    road_attrs_pattern = r"(?P<rd_no>\w?\d+(\-\d+)?\w?\s+)(?P<rd_nm>[a-zA-z \d\-]+)\s+(?P<rd_tp>" + type_opts + ")"
    #print("Road Attr Pattern: ", road_attrs_pattern)
    road_attrs = re.search(road_attrs_pattern, proc_addr)
        road_num = road_attrs.group('rd_no').strip()
    except AttributeError:
        road_num = ""
    #print("Road number: ", road_num)
        road_name = road_attrs.group('rd_nm').strip()
    except AttributeError:
        road_name = ""
    #print("Road name: ", road_name)
        road_type = road_attrs.group('rd_tp').strip()
    except AttributeError:
        road_type = ""
    #print("Road type: ", road_type)
    proc_addr = lengthen_rd(re.sub(r"^[,\- ]+|[,\- ]+$", "", re.sub(road_attrs_pattern, "", proc_addr)))
    #print("Leftover: ", proc_addr)

    unit_seg = (unit_num + "/" if unit_num!="" else "") if road_num != "" else ("Unit " + unit_num + ", " if unit_num!="" else "")
    road_seg = ((road_num + " " if road_num!="" else "") + road_name + " " + road_type).strip()
    post_road_seg = " " + proc_addr if proc_addr != "" else ""
    proc_addr = (unit_seg + road_seg) + post_road_seg
    #print("### Processed Address: ", proc_addr)
    return proc_addr

The company I work for makes a tool for address correction and standardization - YAddress .我工作的公司制作了一个地址更正和标准化的工具——YAddress You can either use API to standardize one address at a time, or process a whole dataset at once in a file.您可以使用 API 一次标准化一个地址,或者在文件中一次处理整个数据集。

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