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带有 ReactJS 的动态页面标题

[英]Dynamic page title with ReactJS

I want to make a Dynamic page title on ReactJS.我想在 ReactJS 上制作一个动态页面标题。 I try a lot of things, but didn't succeed.我尝试了很多东西,但没有成功。 I make an array with data:我用数据制作了一个数组:

let pageTitles = [
    {key:"/Home", title:"Welcome Home"},
    {key:"/SecondPage", title:"Shop"},
    {key:"/ThirdPage", title:"ContactUs"},

In html is only <title></title> , I use let pathname = window.location.pathname;在 html 只有<title></title> ,我使用let pathname = window.location.pathname; If it return "/Home" or "/ThirdPage" to set a new title dynamically.如果它返回“/Home”或“/ThirdPage”来动态设置新标题。 I've tried something like that:我试过这样的事情:

for (var i = 0, len = pageTitles.length; i < len; i++) {
        if (pageTitles[i].key === pathname) {
            var hhh = pageTitles[i].text;
document.title = hhh

But obviously didn't work.但显然没有奏效。 I'm sorry if there is a topic like that, but I didn't found it.I have a restriction to install modules.如果有这样的话题,我很抱歉,但我没有找到它。我对安装模块有限制。

If you need to avoid installing modules, you could do this as helper file, then just import it in module you need and call in componentDidMount如果您需要避免安装模块,您可以将其作为帮助文件执行,然后只需将其导入您需要的模块并调用componentDidMount

export function seo(data = {}) {
  data.title = data.title || 'Default title';
  data.metaDescription = data.metaDescription || 'Default description';

  document.title = data.title;
  document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]').setAttribute('content', data.metaDescription);
import React from 'react';
import {seo} from '../helpers/seo';

export default class SomeClass extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

  componentDidMount() {
      title: 'This is my title only shown on this page',
      metaDescription: 'With some meta description'

  render() {
    return <h1>Hello World</h1>;

You could also just call directly document.title = 'My new title' anywhere, but if you extract it as function you have the option to have default one and just provide override when you want to.您也可以在任何地方直接调用document.title = 'My new title' ,但如果您将其提取为 function 您可以选择使用默认值并在需要时提供覆盖。

Edit: upon inspecting your code, if you change hhh = pageTitles[i].text;编辑:在检查您的代码时,如果您更改hhh = pageTitles[i].text; to hhh = pageTitles[i].title;hhh = pageTitles[i].title; it will work.它会起作用的。 Would be nice to declare the var outside of the loop.在循环之外声明var会很好。 Also would be nice to have default value.拥有默认值也很好。

you have to use a react-helmet to solve this problem.你必须使用 react-helmet 来解决这个问题。 react-helmet is very useful for SEO for React projects. react-helmet 对于 React 项目的 SEO 非常有用。

this is the link of the react-helmet这是反应头盔的链接

I hope this answer help you.我希望这个答案对你有所帮助。

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