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在 Vertx 中通过事件总线发送对象集合的最佳方式是什么?

[英]What is the best way to send a collection of objects over the Event Bus in Vertx?

I have a handler that serves HTTP requests at a given endpoint.我有一个处理程序在给定端点处为 HTTP 请求提供服务。 The handler messages a verticle via the event bus that makes some external paginated REST calls, aggregates the results, and returns the results back to the handler.处理程序通过事件总线向一个 verticle 发送消息,该事件总线进行一些外部分页 REST 调用,聚合结果,并将结果返回给处理程序。 The result of the paginated REST calls is represented as a List of custom objects.分页 REST 调用的结果表示为自定义对象的列表。 If I just try to send the List itself, Vertx throws an exception complaining that it can't find a codec for java.util.ArrayList .如果我只是尝试发送List本身,Vertx 会抛出一个异常,抱怨它找不到java.util.ArrayList的编解码器。

I'm trying to find the "best" -- meaning the easiest, most efficient, and most readable/maintainable -- way in Vertx to send a list of these objects back across the event bus to my handler.我试图在 Vertx 中找到“最好的”——即最简单、最有效、最易读/可维护的方式——通过事件总线将这些对象的列表发送回我的处理程序。 These are the options I know of and have tried so far, are there better ways to achieve this?这些是我所知道并尝试过的选项,有没有更好的方法来实现这一点?

  1. Serialize list to JSON and store in a JsonObject .将列表序列化为 JSON 并存储在JsonObject中。 This requires an explicit serialization/deserialization on either end which seems unnecessary:这需要在两端进行明确的序列化/反序列化,这似乎是不必要的:
// Verticle
List<CustomObject> result = method();
JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
data.put("result", Json.encode(result));

// Handler
String serializedList = body.getString("result");
List<CustomObject> list = objectMapper.readValue(serializedList, new TypeReference<List<CustomObject>>(){});

  1. Define a message codec for ArrayList<CustomObject> .ArrayList<CustomObject>定义消息编解码器。 In theory I believe this would work, but all the examples I've seen online for message codecs are always about creating a codec for a single object, and I'm not entirely sure if this would work for collections.理论上我相信这会奏效,但我在网上看到的所有消息编解码器示例总是关于为单个object 创建编解码器,我不完全确定这是否适用于 collections。

Is there a simpler method that fits my use case that I'm unaware of?有没有更简单的方法适合我不知道的用例? Thanks!谢谢!

Sorry for a lengthy example, but here you go:很抱歉举了一个冗长的例子,但这里是 go:

public class EventBusHolder {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();

        vertx.eventBus().registerDefaultCodec(Holder.class, new HolderCodec());
        vertx.deployVerticle(new SomeVerticle(), (r) -> {
            vertx.eventBus().send("custom", new Holder(new CustomObject("a")));

class HolderCodec implements MessageCodec<Holder, Holder> {

    public void encodeToWire(Buffer buffer, Holder holder) {


    public Holder decodeFromWire(int pos, Buffer buffer) {
        return null;

    public Holder transform(Holder holder) {
        return holder;

    public String name() {
        return "HolderCodec";

    public byte systemCodecID() {
        return -1;

class SomeVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

    public void start() {
        vertx.eventBus().consumer("custom", (msg) -> {

class CustomObject {
    public String name;

    public CustomObject(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String toString() {
        return "CustomObject{" +
                "name='" + name + '\'' +

final class Holder {
    public String toString() {
        return "Holder{" +
                "data=" + data +

    private final List<CustomObject> data;

    public Holder(final CustomObject... data) {
        this.data = Arrays.asList(data);

    public List<CustomObject> getData() {
        return data;

Take note that encodeToWire and decodeFromWire are not implemented.请注意,未实现encodeToWiredecodeFromWire They aren't invoked for local messages.本地消息不会调用它们。

Having this Holder object is an easy way to get around type erasure on the JVM.拥有此Holder object 是在 JVM 上绕过类型擦除的简单方法。

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