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将 get-process 用于未运行的进程时,如何防止出现错误消息?

[英]How do I prevent an error message when using get-process for an process that does not run?

When I execute当我执行

get-process noSuchProcess

I get the error message我收到错误消息

get-process : Cannot find a process with the name "noSuchProcess". Verify the process name and call the cmdlet again.
At line:1 char:5
+     get-process noSuchProcess
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (noSuchProcess:String) [Get-Process], ProcessCommandException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoProcessFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetProcessCommand

Is it possible to prevent such an error message if a process does not exist?如果进程不存在,是否可以防止此类错误消息?


get-process noSuchProcess 2>$null

will redirect stderr to null, so the error will not be printed.会将 stderr 重定向到 null,因此不会打印错误。 See this detailed answer.请参阅详细答案。

To complement Yosev Arbiv's helpful answer with PowerShell-idiomatic alternatives, using the为了用 PowerShell 惯用的替代方法补充Yosev Arbiv 的有用答案,使用
-ErrorAction ( -ea ) common parameter : -ErrorAction ( -ea ) 常用参数

# Ignores the error altogether.
# Note the use of the -ea alias for -ErrorAction
Get-Process noSuchProcess -ea Ignore

# Silences the error, but still records it in $Error (see next section)
Get-Process noSuchProcess -ea SilentlyContinue

# If you call an *external program*, you must use 2>$null to silence
# its stderr output.
whoami badarg 2>$null


  • -ErrorAction (and -ErrorVariable , see below) can only be used with PowerShell cmdlets and advanced functions or scripts, not with external programs. -ErrorAction (和-ErrorVariable ,见下文)只能与 PowerShell cmdlet 和高级函数或脚本一起使用,而不能与外部程序一起使用。

  • To silence stderr output from external programs, use 2>$null .要使外部程序的 stderr output 静音,请使用2>$null

    • 2>$null is virtually equivalent to -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue , except for the situationally different behavior introduced by the bug reported in this GitHub issue . 2>$null实际上等同于-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ,除了此 GitHub 问题中报告的错误引入的情况不同的行为。
  • Both -ErrorAction and 2> by default only act on non-terminating errors (the typical kind), not terminating ones, though, confusingly, the seemingly equivalent $ErrorActionPreference preference variable acts on all errors.默认情况下-ErrorAction2>都只作用于非终止错误(典型类型),而不是终止错误,但令人困惑的是,看似等效的$ErrorActionPreference首选项变量作用于所有错误。

Background information:背景资料:

Note: The term cmdlets below is used to refer not just to true (compiled) cmdlets, but also to their (written-in-PowerShell) counterparts, advanced functions and scripts .注意:下面的术语cmdlet不仅指真正的(编译的)cmdlet,还指它们的(在 PowerShell 中编写的)对应物、 高级函数和脚本

  • PowerShell's analog to stderr (the standard error stream) is the error [output] stream , which is one of 6 available streams, documented in about_Redirection . PowerShell 对 stderr(标准错误流)的模拟是错误 [输出] stream ,它是about_Redirection中记录的6 个可用流之一。

  • By default, all errors that occur in a session are recorded in the automatic $Error variable , in reverse chronological order (most recent one first) - whether they are printed to the console at the time they occur or not.默认情况下,session 中发生的所有错误都按时间倒序(最近的一个在前)记录在自动$Error变量中 - 无论它们在发生时是否打印到控制台。

  • Using -ErrorAction in a cmdlet call:在 cmdlet 调用中使用-ErrorAction

    • -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue silences (doesn't print to the console) any error output, but still records it in $Error . -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue (不打印到控制台)任何错误 output,但仍将其记录在$Error中。

    • -ErrorAction Ignore both silences and suppresses addition to $Error -ErrorAction Ignore沉默并抑制对$Error的添加

  • Stderr output from external programs is not recorded in $Error by default (stderr output cannot generally assumed to represent errors , given that many programs, such as git , also use it to print status information).外部程序的stderr output默认记录在$Error中(stderr output一般不能假设代表错误,因为很多程序,比如git ,也用它来打印状态信息)。

    • Somewhat paradoxically, using 2>$null does cause the stderr lines to be recorded in $Error ;有点自相矛盾的是,使用2>$null确实会导致 stderr 行记录在$Error中; this unexpected behavior is discussed in this GitHub issue .此意外行为在此 GitHub 问题中进行了讨论。

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