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使用 dup2() 和 execve() 重定向

[英]Redirecting using dup2() and execve()

I want to write a function void redirect(char *msg) in C that opens a file named "hello.txt" for writing, create a child process via fork(), then use output redirection (via the dup2() function) to redirect the child's standard output to your open file. I want to write a function void redirect(char *msg) in C that opens a file named "hello.txt" for writing, create a child process via fork(), then use output redirection (via the dup2() function) to将孩子的标准 output 重定向到您打开的文件。 Then, have the child use execve to call the "/bin/echo" program and give it the message your were passed in order to write to the file.然后,让孩子使用 execve 调用“/bin/echo”程序并给它你传递的消息以便写入文件。

This is what I am having now:这就是我现在所拥有的:

void redirect(char *msg){
    int fd = fopen("hello.txt", 'wb');
    pid_t child = fork();
    if(child == 0){
        dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
        execve("/bin/echo", msg, environ);

and it is not working, I don't know what to pass into dup2 and execve.它不起作用,我不知道将什么传递给 dup2 和 execve。

fopen returns value of type FILE * , which is not valid UNIX file descriptor. fopen返回FILE *类型的值,这是无效的 UNIX 文件描述符。 Use open for this, check out man 2 open .为此使用open ,查看man 2 open

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