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如何在 Python AWS CDK 中使用内部函数?

[英]How to use Intrinsic Functions in Python AWS CDK?

I'm trying to use Amazon's Intrinsic Functions from their CloudFormation in the Python CDK but I am struggling to get it to work.我正在尝试在 Python CDK 中使用 Amazon 的 CloudFormation 中的内在函数,但我很难让它工作。

I'm creating a Lambda in CDK and adding a policy statement.我正在 CDK 中创建 Lambda 并添加策略声明。 In this policy statement I give the Lambda access to S3 actions to an S3 bucket that is also created in the CDK above it.在此策略声明中,我授予 Lambda 对 S3 存储桶的 S3 操作访问权限,该存储桶也在其上方的 CDK 中创建。 I want to give this lambda permissions only to the S3 bucket resource (as opposed to using resources="*" or something).只想将此 lambda 权限授予 S3 存储桶资源(而不是使用resources="*"或其他东西)。 I realised I'd need the ARN of the bucket before it had been created - so I asked a colleague who said to use Intrinsic Functions (he does CloudFormation but hasn't used the CDK).我意识到在创建存储桶之前我需要它的 ARN - 所以我问了一位说使用内部函数的同事(他使用 CloudFormation 但没有使用 CDK)。

This is where I'm getting stuck - I can't figure out how to use the Intrinsic Functions in order to get the bucket ARN and put that into the resource of the Policy Statement.这就是我卡住的地方——我不知道如何使用内在函数来获取存储桶 ARN 并将其放入策略声明的资源中。

Here's my code:这是我的代码:

bucket_arn = core.Fn.get_att("BucketIDHere", "Arn")

            "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:DeleteObject",
            "s3:ListBucket", "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "kms:*"

But I'm getting但我越来越

raise JSIIError(resp.error) from JavaScriptError(resp.stack)
jsii.errors.JSIIError: Expected Scalar, got {"$jsii.byref":"@aws-cdk/core.Intrinsic@10012"}

When I try cdk diff .当我尝试cdk diff时。 I understand that I'm not getting the ARN correctly, but I don't know how to get it.我了解我没有正确获取 ARN,但我不知道如何获取它。 I've read the docs and know that I probably have to use IResolveable and IResolveContext but every attempt I've made to use them has failed.我已经阅读了文档并且知道我可能必须使用IResolveableIResolveContext但我使用它们所做的每一次尝试都失败了。

If someone has an example or some solution that would be much appreciated!如果有人有一个例子或一些解决方案,将不胜感激!

You should try to use high-level constructs as much as possible.您应该尽可能多地使用高级构造。 If you have created a bucket in the same stack, you can get the ARN of the bucket by using bucket_arn attribute.如果您在同一个堆栈中创建了一个存储桶,您可以通过bucket_arn属性获取该存储桶的 ARN。

my_bucket = _s3.Bucket(self, "my_bucket")
arn = my_bucket.bucket_arn

You can also import the bucket as a resource if it is not part of your stack.如果存储桶不属于您的堆栈,您也可以将它作为资源导入。

from aws_cdk import aws_s3 as _s3
 def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
     bucket = _s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, "an-identifier", "my-bucket-name")

            resources=[ bucket.bucket_arn ]

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