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[英]r-shiny server selectInput

A bunch of points are being shown on a map.地图上显示了一堆点。 There are two types of water sources.有两种类型的水源。 I want to be able to just show the points associated with one source, or the other or both.我希望能够只显示与一个来源或另一个或两者相关的点。

When water resource is chosen to be both, not all points are shown.当水资源被选择为两者时,并不是所有的点都显示出来。 Why is that?这是为什么? what is wrong with it?它有什么问题?

That is all the question and explanation, however, stackoverflow is asking me to explain more and this is mostly code.这就是所有的问题和解释,但是,stackoverflow 要求我解释更多,这主要是代码。 So, I am just typing stuff in here so that stackoverflow lets me to post the question.所以,我只是在这里输入内容,以便计算器让我发布问题。

# global.R:


library(rgdal)    # for readOGR and others
library(sp)       # for spatial objects
library(leaflet)  # for interactive maps (NOT leafletR here)
library(dplyr)    # for working with data frames
library(ggplot2)  # for plotting

RD <- c("1916-06-30", "1884-10-30", 
        "1905-05-10", "1905-05-10",
        "1905-05-10", "1974-08-02",
        "1933-08-25", "1902-06-30", 
        "2009-07-30", "2009-07-30")

lat <- c(47.10483, 47.10483, 47.10483,
         47.10483, 47.10483, 47.10483,
         47.33486, 47.33486, 47.33486, 47.33486)

long <- c(-121.1577, -121.2309, -121.0622,
          -121.3069, -121.2470, -121.2208,
          -121.2534, -121.0608, -121.2736,

WRS <- c("surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", 
         "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", 
         "groundwater", "groundwater", "groundwater",

spatial_wtr_right = data.table(right_date = RD,
                  lat = lat,
                  long = long,
                  WaRecRCWCl = WRS
spatial_wtr_right$popup <- 1

spatial_wtr_right$color <- "#ffff00"

######## Server.R
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

       water_resource <- input$WaRecRCWCl
       if (water_resource == "surfaceWater") {
           curr_spatial <- spatial_wtr_right %>% 
                           filter(WaRecRCWCl == "surfaceWater")
           curr_spatial <- data.table(curr_spatial)

           } else if (water_resource == "groundwater"){
            curr_spatial <- spatial_wtr_right %>% 
                            filter(WaRecRCWCl == "groundwater")
            curr_spatial <- data.table(curr_spatial)

           } else if (water_resource == "both_water_resource") {
            curr_spatial <- spatial_wtr_right %>% 
                            filter(WaRecRCWCl %in% c("surfaceWater", 
            curr_spatial <- data.table(curr_spatial)

      target_date <- as.Date(input$cut_date)
      curr_spatial[, color := ifelse(right_date < target_date, 
                                     "#FF3333", "#0080FF")]
      # curr_spatial[right_date < target_date, color := "#FF3333"]
      # curr_spatial[right_date >= target_date, color := "#0080FF"]

      leafletProxy("a_map", data = curr_spatial) %>%
      clearShapes() %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = curr_spatial, 
                       lng = ~long, lat = ~lat,
                       label = ~ popup,
                       layerId = ~ location,
                       radius = 3,
                       color = ~ color,
                       stroke  = FALSE,
                       fillOpacity = .95 

  output$a_map <- renderLeaflet({
     leaflet() %>%
     addTiles(urlTemplate = "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}",
              attribution = 'Maps by <a href="http://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>',
              layerId = "Satellite",
              options= providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.9)) %>%

     setView(lat = 47, lng = -120, zoom = 7)


########## ui.R
navbarPage(title = div(""),
           windowTitle = "Q",
                        leafletOutput("a_map", width="100%", height="100%"),
                        absolutePanel(id = "controls", 
                                      class = "panel panel-default", 
                                      fixed = TRUE,
                                      draggable = TRUE, 
                                      top = 60, right = 20,
                                      left = "auto", bottom = "auto",
                                      width = 330, height = "auto",

                                      h4("Earlier in red, later in blue"),
                                      sliderInput(inputId = "cut_date",
                                                  label = "Dates:",
                                                  min = as.Date("1800-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"),
                                                  max = as.Date("2015-12-30","%Y-%m-%d"),

                                      selectInput(inputId = "WaRecRCWCl", 
                                                  label = "Water Resource", 
                                                  choices = c("Surface Water" = "surfaceWater",
                                                              "Ground Water" = "groundwater",
                                                              "Both" = "both_water_resource"), 
                                                  selected = "both_water_resource")


style.css 样式文件
input[type="number"] { max-width: 80%; } div.outer { //margin-top: 60px; margin-top: 10px; position: fixed; top: 41px; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; } /* Customize fonts */ body, label, input, button, select { font-family: Helvetica; //'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica; font-weight: 200; font-size: 15px; } h1, h2, h3, h4 { font-weight: 400; } #controls { /* Appearance */ background-color: white; padding: 0 20px 20px 20px; cursor: move; /* Fade out while not hovering */ opacity: 0.75; zoom: 0.9; transition: opacity 500ms 1s; } #controls:hover { /* Fade in while hovering */ opacity: 0.95; transition-delay: 0; } /* Position and style citation */ #cite { position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; font-size: 12px; } /* If not using map tiles, show a white background */ .leaflet-container { background-color: white !important; } .leaflet-control-layers-expanded .leaflet-control-layers-list { font-size: 20px; padding: 12px 20px 12px 12px; } #map-css { margin-top: 60px; // adding this new css attribute to the updated map view } //.leaflet-control-layers .leaflet-control-layers-expanded .leaflet-control { //.leaflet-top .leaflet-control { // top: 20px; // margin-top: 20px; //}

Another version of the code without observe/reactive :没有observe/reactive 的另一个版本的代码:

 # Water Rights library(scales) library(lattice) library(jsonlite) library(raster) library(data.table) library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyBS) library(maps) library(rgdal) # for readOGR and others library(sp) # for spatial objects library(leaflet) # for interactive maps (NOT leafletR here) library(dplyr) # for working with data frames library(ggplot2) # for plotting library(reshape2) library(RColorBrewer) ###################################################### RD <- c("1916-06-30", "1884-10-30", "1905-05-10", "1903-05-10", "1902-05-10", "1974-08-02", "1933-08-25", "1901-06-30", "2010-07-30", "2009-07-30") lat <- c(47.10483, 47.10483, 47.10483, 47.10483, 47.10483, 47.10483, 47.33486, 47.33486, 47.33486, 47.33486) long <- c(-120.8522, -121.0577, -121.1509,-121.2570, -121.3508, -121.4569, -120.8522, -121.0577, -121.1509,-121.2570) WRS <- c("surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "surfaceWater", "groundwater", "groundwater", "groundwater", "groundwater") spatial_wtr_right = data.table(right_date = RD, lat = lat, long = long, WaRecRCWCl = WRS ) spatial_wtr_right$popup <- 1 spatial_wtr_right$colorr <- "#ffff00" spatial_wtr_right_surface <- spatial_wtr_right %>% filter(WaRecRCWCl == "surfaceWater") %>% data.table() spatial_wtr_right_ground <- spatial_wtr_right %>% filter(WaRecRCWCl == "groundwater") %>% data.table() spatial_wtr_right_both <- spatial_wtr_right %>% data.table() shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { output$water_right_map <- renderLeaflet({ target_date <- as.Date(input$cut_date) water_resource <- input$water_source_type if (water_resource == "surfaceWater") { curr_spatial <- spatial_wtr_right_surface print ("surface") } else if (water_resource == "groundwater"){ curr_spatial <- spatial_wtr_right_ground print ("ground") } else if (water_resource == "both_water_resource") { curr_spatial <- spatial_wtr_right_both print ("both") } curr_spatial[, colorr := ifelse(right_date < target_date, "#FF3333", "#0080FF")] print(curr_spatial) leaflet() %>% addTiles(urlTemplate = "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}", attribution = 'Maps by <a href="http://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>', layerId = "Satellite", options= providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.9)) %>% setView(lat = 47, lng = -120, zoom = 7) %>% addCircleMarkers(data = curr_spatial, lng = ~long, lat = ~lat, label = ~ popup, layerId = ~ location, radius = 3, color = ~ colorr, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = .95 ) }) }) # Water Rights # library(leaflet) # library(shinyBS) # library(shiny) # library(plotly) # library(shinydashboard) navbarPage(title = div(""), id="nav", windowTitle = "Q", # tabPanel(tags$b("Q"), div(class="outer", tags$head(includeCSS("styles.css")), leafletOutput("water_right_map", width="100%", height="100%"), absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, draggable = TRUE, top = 60, right = 20, left = "auto", bottom = "auto", width = 330, height = "auto", h4("Earlier in red, later in blue"), sliderInput(inputId = "cut_date", label = "Dates:", min = as.Date("1800-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"), max = as.Date("2015-12-30","%Y-%m-%d"), value=as.Date("1800-01-01"), timeFormat="%Y-%m-%d"), selectInput(inputId = "water_source_type", label = "Water Resource", choices = c("Surface Water" = "surfaceWater", "Ground Water" = "groundwater", "Both" = "both_water_resource"), selected = "both_water_resource") ) ) ) )

location 不是空间数据表的一列,addCircleMarkers 中的 layerId = ~ location 搞砸了!!!!

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