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尝试使用公钥验证签名时出现 BERDecodeError

[英]BERDecodeError when trying to verify a signature using a public key

I am writing a project about the AODV routing protocol in MANETs (mobile ad hoc networks) and one of things I am aiming to do is to add a digital signature to a field in one of the protocol's packets.我正在编写一个关于 MANET(移动自组织网络)中的 AODV 路由协议的项目,我的目标之一是向协议数据包中的一个字段添加数字签名。

I am using NS3 to simulate the network which is based on C++.我正在使用 NS3 来模拟基于 C++ 的网络。 For the signing, I am using Crypto++'s RSA library.对于签名,我使用 Crypto++ 的 RSA 库。 Basically, a node generates a public and private key pair to sign the packet, includes its public key in the packet, then sends it to another node.基本上,节点生成公钥和私钥对来签署数据包,将其公钥包含在数据包中,然后将其发送到另一个节点。 The receiving node then uses the public key provided in the packet to verify the signature.然后接收节点使用数据包中提供的公钥来验证签名。 The public key in the packet is encoded as a hex string with std::string data type.数据包中的公钥被编码为std::string数据类型的十六进制字符串。

I have already confirmed that the public key is correct and the problem solely lies on decoding the public key string from hex format.我已经确认公钥是正确的,问题仅在于从十六进制格式解码公钥字符串。

These are the functions I use to generate key pairs, sign, and verify (I got these from http://marko-editor.com/articles/cryptopp_sign_string/ ):这些是我用来生成密钥对、签名和验证的函数(我从http://marko-editor.com/articles/cryptopp_sign_string/得到这些):

struct KeyPairHex {
  std::string publicKey;
  std::string privateKey;

RoutingProtocol::RsaGenerateHexKeyPair(unsigned int aKeySize) {
  KeyPairHex keyPair;

  // PGP Random Pool-like generator
  AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

  // generate keys
  RSA::PrivateKey privateKey;
  privateKey.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, aKeySize);
  RSA::PublicKey publicKey(privateKey);

  // save keys
  publicKey.Save( HexEncoder(
                    new StringSink(keyPair.publicKey)).Ref());
                    new StringSink(keyPair.privateKey)).Ref());

  return keyPair;

RoutingProtocol::RsaSignString(const std::string &aPrivateKeyStrHex,
                               const std::string &aMessage) {

  // decode and load private key (using pipeline)
  RSA::PrivateKey privateKey;
  privateKey.Load(StringSource(aPrivateKeyStrHex, true,
                               new HexDecoder()).Ref());

  // sign message
  std::string signature;
  RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Signer signer(privateKey);
  AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

  StringSource ss(aMessage, true,
                  new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
                    new HexEncoder(
                      new StringSink(signature))));

  return signature;

RoutingProtocol::RsaVerifyString(const std::string &aPublicKeyStrHex,
                                 const std::string &aMessage,
                                 const std::string &aSignatureStrHex) {

  // decode and load public key (using pipeline)

  RSA::PublicKey publicKey;
  publicKey.Load(StringSource(aPublicKeyStrHex, true,
                              new HexDecoder()).Ref());

  // decode signature
  std::string decodedSignature;
  StringSource ss(aSignatureStrHex, true,
                  new HexDecoder(
                    new StringSink(decodedSignature)));

  // verify message
  bool result = false;
  RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);
  StringSource ss2(decodedSignature + aMessage, true,
                   new SignatureVerificationFilter(verifier,
                     new ArraySink((byte*)&result, sizeof(result))));

  return result;

I am using a keysize of 384. Here is the public key:我使用的密钥大小为 384。这是公钥:


There is no problem with signing the message.对消息进行签名没有问题。 However, when loading the key from the string I keep getting an error.但是,从字符串加载密钥时,我不断收到错误消息。

The error I am getting is:我得到的错误是:

terminate called after throwing instance of 'BerDecodeErr' what(): BER decode error

The Crypto++ code looks OK. Crypto++ 代码看起来不错。 I think the private key is ill-formed:我认为私钥格式不正确:

$ echo -n 304A300D06092A864886F70D01010105000339003036023100CC112A0E007C6329F813
11 | hex -d | dumpasn1 -

  0  74: SEQUENCE {
  2  13:   SEQUENCE {
  4   9:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
 15   0:     NULL
       :     }
 17  57:   BIT STRING
       :     30 36 02 31 00 CC 11 2A 0E 00 7C 63 29 F8 13 BC
       :     96 49 8A FE DF 58 0E E4 F7 08 C2 A9 23 F6 C6 25
       :     7F A4 CC 5F E2 BA 71 1C 75 CD E0 20 36 83 9E 67
       :     C9 B6 27 20 B3 02 01 11
       :   }

And then the inner BIT_STRING :然后是内部BIT_STRING

$ echo -n 3036023100CC112A0E007C6329F813BC96498AFEDF580EE4F708C2A923F6C6257FA4CC
5FE2BA711C75CDE02036839E67C9B62720B3020111 | hex -d | dumpasn1 -

  0  54: SEQUENCE {
  2  49:   INTEGER
       :     00 CC 11 2A 0E 00 7C 63 29 F8 13 BC 96 49 8A FE
       :     DF 58 0E E4 F7 08 C2 A9 23 F6 C6 25 7F A4 CC 5F
       :     E2 BA 71 1C 75 CD E0 20 36 83 9E 67 C9 B6 27 20
       :     B3
 53   1:   INTEGER 17
       :   }

That looks like a public key, not a private key.这看起来像一个公钥,而不是一个私钥。 A RSA public key is {n,e} , while a RSA private key in short form is {n,e,d} . RSA 公钥是{n,e} ,而简短形式的 RSA 私钥是{n,e,d}

I'm guessing the problem is somewhere around here in your real code.我猜问题出在您的真实代码中。 aPrivateKeyStrHex is not a private key: aPrivateKeyStrHex不是私钥:

// generate keys
RSA::PrivateKey privateKey;
privateKey.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, aKeySize);
RSA::PublicKey publicKey(privateKey);

// save keys
publicKey.Save( HexEncoder(
                new StringSink(keyPair.publicKey)).Ref());
privateKey.Save( HexEncoder(
                 new StringSink(keyPair.privateKey)).Ref());

There are some pages in the Crypto++ wiki that cover RSA, like RSA Cryptography and RSA Signature Schemes . Crypto++ wiki 中有一些页面涉及 RSA,例如RSA CryptographyRSA Signature Schemes But I think your Crypto++ code is OK.但我认为你的 Crypto++ 代码没问题。

Here is a minimal reproducer, if interested:如果有兴趣,这是一个最小的复制器:

#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "osrng.h"
#include "rsa.h"
#include "hex.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

const std::string strKey = 

int main(int argc, char* argv)
    using namespace CryptoPP;

    RSA::PrivateKey privateKey;
    StringSource key(strKey, true, new HexDecoder);

    AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
    if (privateKey.Validate(prng, 3) != true)
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to validate private key");

    std::cout << std::hex << privateKey.GetModulus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::hex << privateKey.GetPublicExponent() << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::hex << privateKey.GetPrivateExponent() << std::endl;

    return 0;

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