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如何回滚文件 git vscode 的先前历史记录?

[英]How to roll back previous history of the file git vscode?

How to reload the previous history of the file in git source control in vscode?如何在vscode中重新加载git源代码管理中文件的先前历史记录? vs code provides to restore only last commit and I can see all the history of the file with "Git History" extension in vscode but is there any way to roll back to any history of the file? vs code 仅提供恢复上次提交的功能,我可以在 vscode 中看到带有“Git History”扩展名的文件的所有历史记录,但是有没有办法回滚到文件的任何历史记录?

There is an awesome extension called GitLens for that:有一个很棒的扩展名为GitLens

After installed, go to thee source control tab, right click on the file and select, "Open File History".安装后,转到源控制选项卡,右键单击该文件并选择“打开文件历史记录”。 Select your commit, then right click over it and click "Restore" from popup menu.选择您的提交,然后右键单击它并从弹出菜单中单击“恢复”。


If you want to checkout a previous commit, I recommend to do it using command line:如果你想签出之前的提交,我建议使用命令行来完成:

  • hit ctrl + j to open up a terminal in VSCode点击ctrl + j在 VSCode 中打开一个终端
  • type git log to see commit history (or you can do that by looking the commit history from repo's page, eg on Github).输入git log来查看提交历史(或者你可以通过从 repo 页面查看提交历史来做到这一点,例如在 Github 上)。 the commits are sorted that the upper one is more recent提交被排序为上一个是最近的
  • Copy the long SHA key of the commit you want to checkout and run git checkout sha_key .复制要签出的提交的长SHA key并运行git checkout sha_key sha_key is the key you just copied sha_key是你刚刚复制的密钥

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