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[英]Running multiple parallel sqlplus connections for a certain period of time in bash

I have this code that creates 20 parallel sqlplus instances, doing some queries and exits:我有这段代码可以创建 20 个并行 sqlplus 实例,执行一些查询并退出:

    for i in $(seq 1 20);
       echo "CREATE TABLE table_$i (id NUMBER NOT NULL);
       select * from table_$i;
       ! sleep 30
       select * from table_$i;
       ! sleep 30
       DROP TABLE table_$i;" | sqlplus system/password &

I need to adjust this code if possible so it would run for an hour with the following conditions:如果可能,我需要调整此代码,以便在以下条件下运行一个小时:

Always stay on 20 connections, if one sqlplus instance is closed (Finished it's process) another one should open, i need to maintain a certain amount of connections for X amount of time.始终保持 20 个连接,如果一个 sqlplus 实例关闭(完成它的进程)另一个应该打开,我需要在 X 时间内保持一定数量的连接。

Is there anything i can add to this code that will achieve what i need?有什么我可以添加到这个代码来实现我需要的吗?

For looping during an hour, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/22735757/3220113对于一小时内的循环,请参阅https://stackoverflow.com/a/22735757/3220113

runsql() {
   while (( SECONDS < end )); do
      # Do what you want.
      echo "CREATE TABLE table_$i (id NUMBER NOT NULL);
            select * from table_$i;
            ! sleep 30
            select * from table_$i;
            ! sleep 30
            DROP TABLE table_$i;" | sqlplus system/password 
      sleep 1 # precaution when sqlplus fails, maybe wrong password

for i in $(seq 1 20); do
   runsql $i &

The main loop at the bottom starts the function runsql 20 times in the background.底部的主循环在后台启动函数runsql 20 次。
The function runsql could use $1 everywhere, I copy it to i for code that looks like the original.函数runsql可以在任何地方使用$1 ,我将它复制到i以获得看起来像原始代码的代码。
SECONDS is a counter that is changed every second by the shell, so we do not need to call date . SECONDS 是一个由 shell 每秒更改的计数器,因此我们不需要调用date
3600 is an hour. 3600是一个小时。
Inside (( .. )) you can do math without $ in front of variables.(( .. ))您可以在变量前不使用$进行数学运算。

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