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与 Pentaho PDI 连接时的 ORA-01017

[英]ORA-01017 when connect with Pentaho PDI

I installed XE 18c and I have my connections with SQL Developer.我安装了 XE 18c,并且与 SQL Developer 建立了联系。 I created a connection with Pentaho PDI, but I have this error:我创建了与 Pentaho PDI 的连接,但出现此错误:

Error connecting to database [Localhost] :org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException:
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Error connecting to database: (using class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)
ORA-01017: nom utilisateur/mot de passe non valide ; connexion refusée
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Error connecting to database: (using class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)
ORA-01017: nom utilisateur/mot de passe non valide ; connexion refusée

I add to C:\\app\\myuser\\product\\18.0.0\\dbhomeXE\\network\\admin\\sqlnet.ora this lines:我添加到 C:\\app\\myuser\\product\\18.0.0\\dbhomeXE\\network\\admin\\sqlnet.ora 这行:


I add to C:...\\PDI\\data-integration\\lib this files:我添加到 C:...\\PDI\\data-integration\\lib 这个文件:

ojdbc6.jar; ojdbc7.jar; ojdbc8.jar

In the connection, I changed my database name from XE to /XE在连接中,我将数据库名称从XE更改为/XE

Always this error.总是这个错误。

ORA-01017 means exactly what it says. ORA-01017 正是它所说的意思。 Invalid userid or password.无效的用户名或密码。 Oracle is too dumb to lie about that one.甲骨文太愚蠢了,不能在这一点上撒谎。 Your request actually reached an oracle database (perhaps not the one you think) and that database rejected your username and/or password.您的请求实际上到达了一个 oracle 数据库(可能不是您认为的那个数据库)并且该数据库拒绝了您的用户名和/或密码。 It has nothing to do with sqlnet settings or jar files.它与 sqlnet 设置或 jar 文件无关。 It's a bad username/password, pure and simple.这是一个糟糕的用户名​​/密码,纯粹而简单。 Have you checked password case sensitivity?您是否检查过密码区分大小写? Does your password have a special character (like "@") that gets interpreted by some intermediate process?您的密码是否有一个特殊字符(如“@”)被某些中间过程解释? For example, when connecting with sqlplus at a command line, the '@' is interpreted as the indicator that the connect string follows.例如,在命令行中使用 sqlplus 连接时,“@”被解释为连接字符串后面的指示符。 So a command 'sqlplus myuser/P@ssword' is interpreted as using a password of 'P', and a tns connect string of 'ssword'.因此,命令“sqlplus myuser/P@ssword”被解释为使用“P”密码和“ssword”tns 连接字符串。

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