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[英]Binary Serialization in c#

I am trying to serialize a class object using binary serialization in C#. 我正在尝试使用C#中的二进制序列化序列化一个类对象。 I have tried and everywhere all I can find that the serialized data goes to a file always in all the examples I have seen. 我已经尝试过了,到处都可以找到序列化数据,在我所看到的所有示例中,该数据总是存储在文件中。

In my case, I have to store the serialized data in SQL. 就我而言,我必须将序列化的数据存储在SQL中。 The following is an example of the method I have created. 以下是我创建的方法的示例。

//Serializing the List
public void Serialize(Employees emps, String filename)
    //Create the stream to add object into it.
    System.IO.Stream ms = File.OpenWrite(filename); 
    //Format the object as Binary

    BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
    //It serialize the employee object
    formatter.Serialize(ms, emps);

How can I get the serialized data directly in a string variable? 如何直接在字符串变量中获取序列化数据? I don't want to use a file. 我不想使用文件。

Please help. 请帮忙。

Just use MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream() instead of your file stream. 只需使用MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()代替文件流即可。 You can extract a byte[] for Storage to SQL after serializing by calling ms.ToArray() . 您可以在调用序列号为ms.ToArray()序列化后提取byte []以便存储到SQL。

And don't forget to put your Stream into a using -Statement, to guarantee correct disposal of the allocated resources. 并且不要忘记将您的Stream放入using -Statement中,以确保正确分配分配的资源。

The easiest way to represent a byte array as a string in C# is with base64 encoding. C#中将字节数组表示为字符串的最简单方法是使用base64编码。 The below example shows how this would be achieved within your code. 下面的示例显示了如何在代码中实现此目标。

        public void Serialize(Employees emps, String filename)
            //Create the stream to add object into it.
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            //Format the object as Binary

            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            //It serialize the employee object
            formatter.Serialize(ms, emps);

            // Your employees object serialised and converted to a string.
            string encodedObject = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());


This creates the string encodedObject . 这将创建字符串encodedObject To retrieve the byte array and your serialised object back from the string you will use the below code. 要从字符串中检索字节数组和序列化的对象,您将使用以下代码。

            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

            // Decode the string back to a byte array
            byte[] decodedObject = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedObject);

            // Create a memory stream and pass in the decoded byte array as the parameter
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(decodedObject);

            // Deserialise byte array back to employees object.
            Employees employees = bf.Deserialize(memoryStream);

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