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在 Sublime Text 3 中找到文本后如何轻松编辑?

[英]How can I easily edit after finding text in Sublime Text 3?

Whenever I do a sublime find, at some match I wish to add the text.每当我做一个 sublime find 时,我都希望在某个匹配项中添加文本。 But is there a shortcut to edit without moving mouse and clicking the text (to bring cursor to that location)但是是否有一种无需移动鼠标并单击文本即可进行编辑的快捷方式(将 cursor 带到该位置)

Example gif (issue I'm facing) - https://imgur.com/wTe3vcA gif 示例(我面临的问题)- https://imgur.com/wTe3vcA

Just press Esc after finding your text.找到您的文本后只需按Esc

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