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Cloud Function Shell中使用Express App调用HTTP函数时如何传递参数

[英]How to pass parameters when invoking HTTP function using Express App in Cloud Function Shell

This is similar to a previous question of mine这类似于之前的一个问题

I'm testing Cloud Functions in a Firebase Node.js project using Express apps, and don't know how to add query parameters to my test.我正在使用 Express 应用程序在 Firebase Node.js 项目中测试 Cloud Functions,但不知道如何将查询参数添加到我的测试中。

Sample code:示例代码:

const logUUID = (req, res) => {
    console.log("This function is executing!")

test_app.use("/log_uuid", logUUID)
exports.test = functions.https.onRequest(test_app)

I am calling it through this:我通过这个调用它:


Which does indeed log这确实记录

This function is executing!这个功能正在执行!

I don't know how to pass in a 'uuid' query parameter, even after reading the firebase docs and the request readme linked in the firebase docs.即使在阅读了 firebase 文档firebase 文档中链接的请求自述文件之后,我也不知道如何传入“uuid”查询参数。 I've tried everything I could come up with:我已经尝试了我能想到的一切:


How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

This can be done with a 'qs' argument:这可以通过“qs”参数来完成:

    test.get("/logParams", qs: {uuid:"1234"})

Or including the query string in the path itself或者在路径本身中包含查询字符串


The problem in your code is that instead of req.params.uuid you should use req.query.uuid在你的代码的问题是,不是req.params.uuid你应该使用req.query.uuid

See the difference between req.params and req.query查看req.paramsreq.query 的区别


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